Part 14

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I wake up by my alarm, grumpily tapping my phone with my eyes closed until I can press the snooze button. I continue to do that until I realise I have things to do and actually need to get up and start my day. 

After a quick shower, I braid my hair and get my team uniform on. Today I'm pairing it with some plain blue mom jeans and some white trainers. I grab my things and head out for the day. 

I run down for breakfast as it closes soon, and see Daniel on the way down. He gives me a wink as I run past and I make it to the RedBull table. 
"You're looking very chipper this morning." Jamie says while stabbing her fork into a pancake, smile as wide as can be. 
"Just a very good nights sleep is all, feeling very refreshed." I reply, sitting down. 
Mike raises his eyebrows at my reply. 
"Something's happened." He says, staring me down. 
"What do you mean?" I ask. 
"You never come down to breakfast looking so happy." 
"Gee, thank you." I reply. 
"I didn't mean it like that. The whole team is fully aware you are not a morning person, that's all." He says. 
"That's why I heard all 10 of her alarms go off this morning." Max pops his head in, smiling. I grab him and shove him away while laughing. 
I stand up and announce I'm going to find something to eat. Everyone nods. 
I head over to the egg station where I get a whisper in my ear. 

"Hey, pretty girl."
Chills fall down my back like never before. 
I look and Daniel is serving himself some scrambled eggs on his plate. 
"How are you doing?" I ask. 
"I'm doing great, are you?"
"I'm doing lovely, thank you." I reply. 
"I do actually need to speak to you in a bit, if you're free." He says. 
"Of course, just text me when you need me and I'll clear some space in my calendar." I say, also serving myself some food. 
He nods, winks and walks away. 

I walk back to the RedBull table. 
"I know now why she's so happy." Mike says, sipping his orange juice. 
"Huh?" Me and Jamie say. 
"I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't see Daniel Ricciardo, one of F1's most beloved drivers, wink at you." He says, chuckling. 
My face goes bright red. 
"I have no idea what you're talking about." 
"Yeahhh, okay. Whatever makes you feel better." He continues to chuckle. 

I choose to complete the conversation in silence and walk away without confirming anything. I can hear Mike say something about me as I'm leaving. 

After a bit, we make it to the paddock where my first meeting is with Max, about some new press things we're doing for the team social medias. 

I walk into the conference room and set down my laptop, get it out and start typing everything I need. Max is sat there watching me. 
"What's up?" I ask him, still typing as I say. 
"Something has happened." He says. 
"What do you mean?" 
"I've spent everyday with you for a few weeks now, do you really think I don't know when something's happened?" He asks. 
"Oh, I know. I have a lot to tell you. But I don't know if I can."
He stands up and takes a seat closer to me. 
"Spill." He says, slamming his mug on the desk. 
"How about don't spill all your drink over the place, and maybe I will."
He nods.
"So, you know that me and Daniel kissed the other night, right?" 
He nods again. 
"Well, we went on a date last night." 
"YOU DID?" He shouts. 
"Calm down. Yes, we did! He set it all up for me and it was so sweet. We ended up being there for hours, talking and laughing and dancing. We ended up getting kicked out, but it was lovely." I spill, talking like an excited schoolgirl while doing it.
"Was that you guys on the track?" He asks, smiling. 
"Yeah, how do you know?" 
"This guard was complaining about you guys as I was coming out of the gym. 
I start laughing, and he starts laughing. He then stands up and comes and hugs me. 

"I'm so happy for you, Pops. So, what's the plan for now?" He says. 
"We're like dating. He said he needs to speak to me in a bit, just waiting for a text for him that I'm waiting for."
"Well, let me know what he says." Max stands up and goes back into the seat he was in prior. 
"Will do. Are you ready for what we need to go through?"

And we go into work mode, like the fact of me dating Daniel Ricciardo never happened. 
What a life. 

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