Part 30

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Fun fact: We devised a plan. 

Well everyone now thinks that we're over, so we can still date in secret because everyone now believes that I hate his guts. So, we're now going to act like we still hate eachother. When it's quite the opposite. 
What a turn of events!

I run into the garage, where Jamie is stood in Checo's side talking to a mechanic, where she sees me come in and winks at me. I then smile at her, which quickly is wiped from my face when Max breaks the eye contact by standing infront of me. 
"Please, Pops. I'm sorry."
"It's whatever."
"Please, let me make it up to you."
"How, Max? You pushed me onto the floor. That's not really something I'm going to forgive you all too easily."
"I didn't mean to."
"I know, but it bloody hurt and I didn't appreciate it."
"I'm sorry."
I nod my head. 
"Go into your office." He says, pointing in the direction of my office.
"What?" I reply, tilting my head a little. 
"Your office. Now."
"Max, you're really pissing me off now." 
"Please." He pleads.
I turn on my heels and walk into my office, to be met with flowers upon flowers all over the floor, as far as the eyes can see.

My eyes scan the room, observing each individual rose in each bouquet. My jaw drops and I can feel myself get a little upset with the surprise. 
"Thank you, Max."
"Do you forgive me now?" He asks.
"Only if you promise to never push me on the floor again." I reply, shrugging my shoulders and blinking away the inbounding tears.
"I promise. I'm sorry." He says. 
I nod my head and we both hug eachother, everyone in the garage trying to look into my office to see what on earth he had done now. 

I take a video and send it to Daniel. 

Perks of having a rich best friend who pisses you off.

Wow. Shames my 'I'm sorry breakfast' by a mile.

Maybe you just need to step it up a little. 

Well, maybe I'll surprise you after the race.

Is that so?

You'll just have to wait and see. :)

Haha, I look forward to it.

I'll message you after.

Love you.

Love you too.

And it's time to race, once again in Monaco. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now