Part 34

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The whole garage erupts into cheer, with everyone running to the pit lane to watch him cross the line. I blow Daniel a kiss as he goes past, and he blows one back. I look up at the track TV to see a close up of me on there, to which I wave and smile.

This season has been the best first one. A mixture of ups and downs, but now I get to celebrate.

The podium ceremony happens and the first thing Daniel does when he holds that trophy up is look at me. I give him my biggest, proudest smile. Max lifts his up, and everyone cheers. It's really a season finale to remember.

Both of them walk off the podium and I run to give them both a hug. I congratulate Max and then grab Daniel's arm to take him off to somewhere quiet.

Daniel swoops me into a big hug and kisses me.
"I owe every single second of that podium, to you."
"I'm so proud of you."
"It was so surreal, it was like I needed you most and you just... appeared." He says, tearing up.
"Don't cry, baby. One of your engineers grabbed me."
"I love you, so much." He says.
"I love you too."

As we walk out, Will Buxton has a camera and a microphone.
"Pretty incredible performance there, Daniel."
"Thank you. I really only have one person to thank for this, and it's her." He says, him and his camera pointing to me.
"Poppy, how was it for you?"
"I just didn't even think about it. I just had to calm him down. The race or anything like that didn't even matter to me. I'm just so proud of him."
Will nods his head and smiles, and walks away, talking to the camera. 

And for that night, myself, Max, Daniel and the RedBull team celebrate hard. Can't really say I remember the majority of that night.

We spend the next couple of months between Monaco, England and Australia, and I even managed to move in with Daniel. 

Not everyone was fully happy with me dating someone from another team, but everyone loves Daniel, so they let it slide. 

Why hit the brakes, when you can get your foot on the accelerator? 

Author's Notes:

Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for reading this. As of right now, we have 19,000 reads and it grows more and more everyday. So, thank you. It means so much that people actually want to read what I write.

I do have plans to create a new one. and it's called 'It's Light's Out - Mick Schumacher X OC'. We meet Mick and Mila, who used to be best friends until Mick had to go away at 18 for F3. If you fancy that, then keep checking my page for updates. I'll also post a link here.


This has been my little baby over the last few months, something that I've worked on when I can. Whenever a source of inspiration hits, this has been my place. So thank you for everyone who's commented, voted or anything like that. 

I love you all, and I'll see you soon.
Elly. x 

NEW UPDATE as of 1st June 2023 - when the summer begins and my exams are over, I'll most likely be going through and rewriting some stuff or even adding in new things to make the story longer!! Stay tuned for that!!

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now