Part 13

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After a while of getting ready, I look phenomenal. 
I chug a RedBull to keep myself awake and look at myself in the mirror, looking at the reflection in front of me. 
I'm wearing a black, bodycon dress with a low neckline that makes me look great. My hair is down, straightened and my lipstick is  bright red. Winged eyeliner goes over my eyes, with long fake eyelashes to match. I'm wearing high red heels too, that match my lips and make my legs look even longer. 
I grab my phone to text Jamie with a picture of me. 

*1 attachment*

What do we think?

GIRL, you're HOT.

Haha, thank you.

I've booked us a lunch tomorrow that is
 actually labelled 'communications partner
 meeting' but should actually be called
'gossip session' on teams. 

I'll tell you absolutely everything. 

That's my girl!
Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Will do. :)

I manage to grab everything I need, finish the remainder of my can of RedBull and head to the paddock. Scanning in, I realise I cannot wear these heels until I make it over to the track. 
I walk through to see everyone setting up for the race in a few days time. Teams unloading tires, getting headsets ready. There's no wonder everyone calls it the travelling circus. 

I get through to the track and start walking. I only have to go a short distance before I can see Dan standing at the top of the main hill corner, with candles running down. There's also small arrows showing me the way. I put my heels on and walk up, to see that smile once again. I get up there, and look around. There's a picnic basket on top of a large blanket, looking over the most incredible view possible. I finally get close enough, and he covers me in a hug full of just.. love. His smell fills my senses and I get chills all over. 

He's in an all black suit, with a white button up shirt and a few buttons at the top were undone. He looks amazing. He pulls me out and looks me up and down. 
"You look... wow. You look stunning." 
"Thank you. You in that suit... oh my god." I reply. 
"Bit of an upgrade against the team shirt, eh?" 
"Ha, you'd look good in a bin bag." I say looking up at him. 
He takes his chance of our lips aligning to kiss me, and I almost melt into him. 

He pulls out and pulls me by my hand to the picnic blanket. We sit down on opposite sides, with him grabbing some champagne flutes and filling them up with a champagne he's grabbed from the basket, handing me one once poured. 
"Cheers." He says, prompting me to clink his glass. 
"Cheers." I say, smiling. 
He grabs the other bits and bobs from the basket including mini sandwiches, bags of pretzels and mini snack items. 
"I kinda raided the McLaren catering station for this. We spent a lot of time in bed so I didn't get a chance to gather everything in time." He says, scattering them across the blanket. 
"Hahaha, you're all good. It's the thought that matters." I reply, grabbing a mini sandwich and snacking on it. 
"Now that everything is ready, are we ready to get started?" He says. 
"I am indeed." I reply. 
"First, do you have any questions?" He asks. 
"Yes. How did you know you liked me?" 
"Easy. After Checo's crash, the first thing I could think about after whether he was okay was how you felt. I know you guys probably aren't too close, but you guys work together. And, I always tried to find a reason after I had your number to text you, but I didn't wanna come across as desperate. Lando also bullied me once for smiling at your text." He says.
I blush and smile. 
"That's cute. Do you have any questions for me?" I say. 
"What made you give me a second chance?" 
"I knew I couldn't just leave you hanging after walking out of the restaurant. What you did was a bit fucked, sure, but I knew that it came from a good place, just poor execution. Max also egged me on a bit." 
"Of course he did."
"But, I felt like whenever we walked into a room where there would be a chance you'd be there, I'd see myself hunting for your smile. And I'd feel an ounce of sadness when you weren't there." I say, taking a sip from my glass. 
"That was like me, too." He says.
"First impressions of me?"
"I saw you talking to Will and thought you were stunning. And the way you carried yourself - to say that you had just started a very difficult job, you just seemed so confident. So sure of yourself, like you knew exactly how you were going to do your job. I really admired that." He says. 
"That's nice. I really wanted this job, more than anything in my entire life before - I can't mess this up by being nervous." 
"That's like being a driver, too. Being nervous could cost you a seat."
"But, what were your first impressions of me?" Dan asks.
"Well, I was shocked because you were looking at me - I couldn't believe that you had actually acknowledged my existence. Speaking of, I think my cousins are gonna be really mad I'm dating you, because she loves you." I say, getting a chuckle from him. 
"We're dating?" He asks, smirking. 
"I mean- It just kinda came out-" I say, stuttering. My face is going bright red. 
"Relax. If that's what you're all good with doing, I'm good with that too." He replies, climbing over to my side and sitting next to me. 
"Are you sure?"
"Never been so sure of anything in my entire life." He stands up and grabs my hand, prompting me to get up too. 

Music starts playing in the background, and he picks me up and swirls me around, walking me over to a part of the track that doesn't have the blanket covering it. He sets me back down and grabs my waist. I put my arms over his shoulders, and we start to dance. 

I feel like the only girl in the entire world. The orange sunset blankets the sky in a dreamy way, and Daniel's smile makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. He's holding me so gently, so loving. I could actually see myself with this boy, and I haven't ever realised it this much until this moment. Our eyes are sinking into eachother, and my smile has never been so big. We dance around, him turning me and catching me when my heels give up on me, before we have a giggle about it. 

Hours pass by, and the night has hit. I am so tired from everything, but in a blissful happiness. My head is on Daniel's lap, and he's stroking my hair. 
"Thank you for tonight." He says. 
"You're the one who's set this up - I should be the one thanking you." 
"But you've made it 10x better." He says. 

I sit up, sitting on his lap and facing him. 
"Kiss me."
"Happily." He says, meeting our lips meet again, cradling my cheeks and head, running his fingers through my hair. However, our kiss is interrupted by someone with a very bright light. 

"You can't be on here!" The guard shouts. 
Daniel gets up.
"It's okay, we've got approval to be on here." He says. 
"I don't care, Mr F1 Driver. Move." 
"Fine." He says. 
Daniel grabs my hand and we walk down to the paddock together. 

We walk to the hotel, and get into the lift, where he immediately grabs me and goes for another kiss. We make out until we reach our floor. 
He grabs my hand and pulls me until we meet my door. 
"I'm going to leave you here."
"You sure you don't wanna come in?" I ask. 
"No, we can wait for that." He winks at me. 
"Okayyy." I reply, kissing him. 

I open my door and crash onto my bed, getting my phone and text Jamie. 

"Best. Night. Ever."

author's note:
oh my goodness, everyone. this story nearly has 1.5k reads. 
thank you sooo much!!!
story is only JUST beginning <3
- elly 

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