Part 32

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Jamie manages to grab a headset and pull me into Max's motorhome to listen into the radio. She doesn't let me put it on. and just holds me while I calm down on the sofa, waiting for something to happen or for something to be said. 

We find out that they have red flagged the race and all the cars are now back in the garage. It only takes a couple of seconds before the door flies open and Max runs into the room like he's crazy, frantically dodging his eyes around the room before he sees us and sits down with us. He also holds me, and I'm being sandwiched while we just wait for the feedback from race control. 

Max gets me an ice cold RedBull from the fridge, which on top of my adrenaline is making me shake like there's no tomorrow. 

Jamie looks at me and says they've managed to get Daniel out, but he's unconscious and I feel like I'm about to throw up.

"I need to see him." I cry out. 
"That wouldn't be a very good idea, you're really upset and seeing him like this is only going to make you feel worse." Jamie says, stroking my hair.
"But I'm going to feel bad if I'm not by his side." I reply. 

Max looks at me sympathetically. 
"I'll walk her to the track hospital, that's where they'll take him." He says, dragging me up and taking my hand. 

He ends up making me run to the place, and by the time we get there I'm a mixture of tears, sweat and we even get there before Daniel does. 

We see them come in with Daniel on a stretcher, and he looks like he's sleeping. I clutch onto Max for dear life while he rolls past, and he lets me bury my head into his shoulder and cry. I'm so scared in this moment, that I'll lose him.

We sit outside of his room for what seems like an eternity while we wait for Daniel to wake up. 

A doctor comes out of the room and nods at me.
"Who are you to him?" He looks down at my RedBull uniform.
"I'm his girlfriend." I reply. 
The doctor looks surprised.
"Okay, he's just woken up. He has a couple of broken ribs and a fractured wrist, but apart from that he's okay.  Thank god for the technology they have these days, he would have been dead if the halo wasn't there."
Me and Max both release our tense shoulders that I didn't even realise we had, and I walk in. 

I'm met with my boy's beaming smile once again and I can't help but run to his bedside and sob on him. 
He immediately rubs my head and grabs my chin and pulls my head up so our eyes meet. 
"Baby, don't cry, please. I'm okay."
"I was so scared- for a second I swore you were dead."
"I didn't feel a thing, I was out like a light." He says, giggling.
"That does not make me feel any better."
"I'm sorry. Bad timing."

A few hours pass with lots of cuddles, giggles and just checking multiple times that I'm not dreaming and he's actually alive.

"How long will you be out for, race wise?" I ask. 
"Probably until the end of the season. Abu Dhabi could be a possibility."

Max had to go back to finish the race, which he ends up winning. On the radio, he dedicates the win to me, and Daniel, and we both just look at eachother and smile as he talks. 

Visiting hours end and I manage to get Daniel his phone back, so we can text while I'm back at the hotel. 

I'm walking back where Max manages to catch up with me.
"How's he doing?" He asks, putting his arm around my shoulder. 
"He's okay. Don't expect to see him in a car anytime soon." I reply. 
"Did you hear my radio?"
"Yes, we did. We found it very cute. Thank you champ, and congrats on another win." 
I grab 2 RedBulls out of my bag and we pretend to cheers them before taking a sip. 

I get ready for bed, get into my duvet and get my phone out. 

Come sneak in and see me. I miss you.

I wish. Christian would kill me.

Come by tomorrow?

Of course, I'll stay the full week before we have to go to Saudi Arabia.

That's my girl.

At least you'll be able to recover in your apartment.

That's true, only like a 10 minute walk from here.

I'll spend all of summer break here too, only 1 more race to go.

You better.

Always. You need to rest. I'll come see you in the morning.

Goodnight, my love.

Goodnight Dan. I love you.

I love you too. 

And don't you ever think of scaring me like that again.

And I set my alarm for 6AM, so I can get to the hospital at the first minute visiting times begin.

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