Part 23

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We hit 10K reads. What. The. Hell.

Thank you so so much. I have absolutely no words.

I go as fast as I can to Daniel's hotel room - our prime meeting spot to stay out of any cameras way but still have a nice place to go to. These hotels aren't cheap, so they're all 5 star and really fancy. Sometimes a bit too fancy for me, but if you get the chance you go for it.

I swing open his door and see him on his bed with takeout boxes all around from different restaurants. He sees me and smiles, gets off the bed and comes and hugs me, and gives me a kiss. 
"I've bloody missed you." He says. 
"Don't even get me started, I've missed you so much." I say.

I look around and there's sushi, pasta, pizza. Basically any type of food you could possibly ask for. I look up at him and raise my eyebrows. 
"I didn't know what you were in the mood for so I just got everything, basically." He giggles. 
I laugh. "Everything looks great." 
"Thanks." He replies, moving the pillows off of the bed onto the floor to make some room for me to sit down. He hands me a plate and I start to spoon things onto it. By the end of it, I have enough carbs to feed a small family. 

"Max told me you were upset before. Are you okay?" He asks, spooning spaghetti into his mouth. 
"Oh, he did?" I reply. 
"Yeah, he said that you were crying and that I should check up on you."
"Oh. No, I'm fine." 
He pauses eating, puts his plate down and looks at me with a serious look on his face. My whole body stiffens. 
"Okay, fine. I got upset before because we just haven't been spending much time with eachother. I just don't want us to drift apart." I reply. 
Daniel's face softens and he moves forward so he's even closer to me. 
"Hey, don't say that, okay? Yes, we probably haven't been spending as much time with eachother as we like. But, we're both in F1 and it's to be expected. But, when the summer break hits, I'll bring you to Australia with me."
"Really?" I ask, my eyes brightening up.
"Yeah, of course. I already told my parents about us, they want to meet you." He replies, picking his plate back up.
"I'll come to Australia with you, I've never been before." I reply. 
"It's a good job your boyfriend is a native then, isn't it?" 
We both giggle and eat our food, talking about our plans for the next few hours, including FP2. 

We then finish up, give eachother a goodbye hug and then stagger our exits from the hotel room, to make sure no one sees us leave together. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now