Part 24

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It's now Saturday - which means it's qualifying day. It's a hot day in Monaco today - with temperatures of 30 degrees and chances it could rise throughout the day. Everyone is feeling it, too. There are small RedBull fans being handed out to the team to use throughout the day. It's a good job we're well prepared for all climates. 

Me and Jamie are strolling through the paddock after breakfast, where she's scrolling on her phone through the new news headings about everything F1. She likes to do this everyday, especially during Monaco, where the drivers get up to the most mischief - just in case she spots something one of our drivers may get questioned on and she also sends some stuff to other teams. She's cute like that. 

But as she's scrolling, something makes her stop in her tracks, making me go a few steps forward with the sun-blocking umbrella and then look back.
"What's up?" I ask. 
Her face drops while she's looking at whatever is on her phone. 
"What??" I say. 
"Where did Daniel tell you he was last night, after FP2?" Jamie asks, with a very panicked expression on her face.
My heart drops. 
"Answer the question, Pops."
"He said he was in a team meeting with Daniel and a few engineers talking about the new strategies they might be putting into the car, and how to use them to their advantage." I reply. 
Her face drops even more. 
"You're scaring me now, what is it?" I ask, putting my hand out to pass me the phone. 
She does just that and I can feel all the blood drain from my body. 


Attached are several photos of them walking out of a restaurant with them laughing with eachother. They hug eachother, she kisses him on the cheek and then she gets into a taxi. He walks off, towards to the hotel. 

What? This must just be outdated photos. 
He wouldn't do this. 
He said he was in a meeting. 
He wouldn't lie to me, he never would. He said he wanted me to meet his parents. 
He fucking sent me a goodnight text knowing he was going out with her.
Oh, my god. 

Jamie grabs me as I just stare at the phone, my jaw dropped. I'm trying to speak but not a lot is coming out, just inaudible noises. 
She takes the phone out of my hand, and gives me a hug. 
"I'm so sorry, Pops. We all thought he was one of the good ones."
"I'm.. so confused." I reply. 
"So am I. You need to speak to him."
"No. I need Max first."
She nods and immediately gets out her phone. 

It's only a few seconds until I hear her say 'Mhm. She saw it.' and 'Okay.'
And we pace ourselves to the garage before I burst into tears in front of 100 people with cameras. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now