Part 29

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I wake up the next morning with an absolutely banging headache, which seems to be a constant occurrence now. I down a glass of water and take some medicine, and get up to open my blinds. The Monaco sun streams into my room, basking it in a yellow glow, and I shield my eyes from making my head hurt anymore. 

I head over to the mirror to see last night's makeup still on my face, makeup still a bit smeared from my crying the night before, and I remember that Daniel didn't actually cheat on me and I start to smile. 

My phone then starts to vibrate, making me realise I did actually wake up before my alarm. Looking on my home screen, I see the aftermath of last night in my notifications. 

Max Verstappen - 7 New Messages 

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to push you
It was an accident I promise
Please reply 
You'll need to speak to me today anyways, it's race day
I'm sorry
I also updated Jamie on what happened so she knows you and Daniel are all good now, happy for you

New Number

It's Carlos! I got your number off Max
Heard what happened, glad you fixed everything with Daniel
dw, i'll keep everything a secret

Dan <3 - 3 New Messages

Good morning beautiful!
I'm coming to your room in about 5 mins with food
You better be hungry

I then look to see that the text from Daniel was sent 4 minutes ago, and I look like I've been strapped to the back of an F1 car and driven around the track. So I frantically look around my room for things that can be used to make myself look better, wash my face, put some deodorant on and brush my hair. As I'm brushing it, someone knocks at my door. 

 Daniel is stood there with several white plastic bags, practically juggling them with a massive smile on his face, probably with the knowledge he's out of the doghouse with me. I open the door as wide as it can go to allow him in, and he practically chucks them onto the bed and gives me a huge hug, engulfing me in his arms. He spams me with kisses all over my face, making us both giggle loudly. 

He lets me go and then drags me to sit on the bed with him, ripping the bags open. 
"I got us bagels from this place I know and love." Daniel says, opening the boxes to some amazing looking bagels. There's some homemade cream cheese, avocado and fresh salmon on it.
"Didn't know we were in LA."
"We are in the LA of Europe." He says, with a very serious face. He then breaks and gives me his smile. 

We start to tuck into our bagels. 
"Have you said anything to Max yet?" He asks. 
"No. He's messaged me this morning, but I think I'm still processing the events of last night. Some of it is still a blur to me - I was too drunk to fully comprehend what was going on. I just remember being sad, throwing up, going outside, seeing a picture of you, crying again, and then you were there." I reply. 
"Yes. Max then pinned me against a wall, pushed you on the ground, and then you stormed off." He finishes. 
"I also met Charles, Lando and Carlos!" I say, excitedly. 
"Oh, you did?"
"Yes. Lando knew everything that happened."
"I mean, you hardly made it subtle." He says, raising his eyebrows. 
"I have a flair for being dramatic!"
"I gathered. My mechanic's can barely look me in the eyes now." 
"Should have thought about that before those pictures came out." I say. 
Daniel's face drops, and my shoulders immediately tense up. 

"I do really want to apologise about that. The press made it look so much worse than it actually was - I swear down we went out as a group."
"I know. I believe you."
"I would never do that to you."
"I know."
"But I do have a question." He says. 
I raise my eyebrows. 
"You know how when you were shouting at me, you mentioned something." 

My shoulders tense up even more. I know exactly where this is going. 
"Oh, yeah?" 
"Well, you said about how you may love me, or, rather, loved."
My cheeks glow a bright red. 
"We all know you can't stop loving someone that easily. I just needed to preface the fact that I was pissed."
"I got the message alright."
I smile at him. 
"But, I have a confession to make." He then puts his bagel back in his box and closes it. 
"Go on."

He then moves towards me, close enough that I can feel his breath on my face. His hand goes to touch my arm, which I can feel the warmth. I can start to understand that his heart is beating at a million miles an hour. 

"I love you."
I smile, cup his cheeks with my hands and then kiss him. 
Once I pull away, he's also smiling. 
"I love you too."

And then our lips meet in a deep kiss, only to be disrupted by a phone call from Daniel's phone, which makes us realise that we're way too chill for a Sunday, and we have a race soon. 

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