Part 20

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i should be revising for an exam i have tomorrow but id rather be doing this :) - elly

I reply to a couple of emails and then go to the RedBull Catering department for some lunch with Jamie. 

She sees me and immediately brings me in for a hug. 
"How are you doing?" She asks. 
"I'm good." I say. 
"Good, sit down. We need to talk!" 

We both sit down and order some lunch and coffee. It comes in within a few minutes and I start to eat my pasta and I take a sip from my drink. 

"Your boyfriend is one of the cutest people on this planet." She says while she eats. 
"How did he find out last night, you need to tell me everything. I've not really managed to hear a lot as Dan had to rush out this morning." I ask. 
"Well, Max came into my office and ask if I had heard anything from you. Obviously I hadn't because I thought you were out with Dan after our conversation about hiding the relationship. Max looked really worried, so I asked why. You hasn't replied to any messages for a while and then that made me get really worried. So, we all went to the hotel and waited there and spammed your phone. That's when we checked your location and noticed it had gone off." 

I nod and sip my coffee while she's talking. 
"Daniel comes down with the team and sees our faces and goes like.. sheet white. It's like he immediately knows somethings up. He sends his team away and asks what's wrong and also tells us he's not heard from you. It looked like he was on the verge of tears." She continues, while I'm like pouting at the thought of Daniel crying because of me. It almost makes me want to cry. 
"He's like frantically going around and says he's gonna drive around your last location to find you. Max volunteered to come and practically wouldn't let him leave alone, but he was refusing for some reason. It was weird. Everyone that doesn't know that you guys were dating were asking why he cares so much about you." She pauses to take a sip of her own drink. 
"What did you say to them?" I ask. 
"Oh, we just said that you guys were really good friends because you guys have worked eachother in the past, and everyone seemed to buy it." 
I relax my shoulders in relief that no one knows. 

"What happened once I got found?" I ask. 
"You went up to go to bed and Daniel's smile was back instantly. He thanked everyone several times for caring so much and handed me his card. He said to go get drinks on him. I thought it was cute. He looked like he was going to cry from relief. Just a lot of looking like he was going to cry in general, to be honest." She says while giggling. 
"Aw. He's so cute. You don't even wanna know how relieved I was when I saw a bright orange McLaren heading towards me. You don't see a lot of those in the middle of Belgium." I reply. 

We manage to focus on other topics, getting my mind away from the situation last night and talk about new work stuff that we wanted to plan. I text Max asking for dinner tomorrow, which he replies with a thumbs up - because he always texts like a dad. We finish our lunch and head out and decide to go on a track walk just us two, just taking it easy. We even get little scooters and start scooting around the track. 

We get pretty far around and my phone goes off. Rule #1 of being Comms - you need to check your phone when it goes off. 
"Ping!" I say, stopping my scooter and getting my phone out of my pocket. 

Christian Horner - Outlook 
Team Meeting in 30 mins. Need everyone there.
Disciplinary action will be filed if you are late. 
- Christian
RedBull Racing F1 Team

"We need to go back. Team Meeting." I say to Jamie, looking up at my phone. 
"Boooorrring." She says, pretending to yawn. 

And we scoot for our lives around the rest of the track and run to the RedBull Garage just in time. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now