Part 12

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We land in Spa.

Spa is always one of my favourite weekends. It always just is perfect - and I have a feeling this year is going to be a little bit better if everything goes to plan.

Me and Jamie meet up at the airport and make it though border control without any issues. We get to the hotel, check in and I open my door. 
Setting my stuff down, I walk in and there's 12 red roses in a little box waiting for me on the bed. Looking down, I grab the card on it and flip it over.

Tonight. Wear something pretty.
Meet me on your favourite spot on the track. 
- DR

I immediately grab my phone and text Dan.

Got your present. 

Good good. 

I'll be there. 

I'm excited to show you what I have planned. 

Today is a rest day for the crew, so really the only thing I have to do until tonight is stay in bed, nap and then get ready for tonight. 

And that is exactly what I do. I sit there for hours, watching lame TV and eating snacks I bought at the airport. I get a knock at the door. 

"Hello Max-" I say as I open the door. 
However, it is not Max. It's Daniel. 
"Sorry to disappoint. Not Max. It's me. Can I come in?" He asks. 
However, I look awful as my hair hasn't been washed and I'm in my pyjamas. Pretty sure there's cookie crumbs on them. I quickly grab the hairbrush from the bathroom and start frantically brushing my hair. Daniel laughs. 
"Ha, you look great, don't worry." He says, grabbing my hand, taking the hairbrush out of my hand. He then runs it through his hair, too. He places it down on the cupboard. 
"How can I help you?" I say.
"Did you get my note?" 
"I did indeed. The flowers are lovely, thank you." I say, pointing to them, with them sat beneath the TV. 
"You're welcome."
"So, what can I help you with? We're not supposed to be meeting until later." I ask, welcoming him in to my room. He steps in and sits on the edge of my bed.
"I got bored by myself. Lando is doing some stuff for his brand, and everyone else is sleeping. Thought I'd come and bother you." 
"You're not gonna stand me up again tonight, are you?" I ask.
Daniel's face falls and he hangs his head low. 
"I'm sorry." He says. 
"I'm just joking with you." I pull his chin up to look at me. 
"You sure you're okay?" Dan asks. 
"I wouldn't have given this a shot if I wasn't okay." I say to him.

We actually sit in bed and watch TV and eat sweets until dinner time. We're kinda cuddles, kinda not. His arm is over me and I'm snuggled in, but there's still distance between us that I could fill. I just don't want to push it too much before our main date, because that's when we'll really talk about it. 
I look at the time and realise we only have a couple of hours before I was supposed to meet him. That was before he rocked up at my door. 
"Look at the time! I need to get ready!" I say, showing him my watch. 
"Do you want me to stay while you get ready or go?" He asks, gently pushing my wrist back down onto the bed. 
"Go, I want to surprise you with my outfit and all of that. You need to get ready too, Ricciardo - I have high expectations of this outfit." I say, pushing him off the bed. He lets out a large ow and gets up, and we both start absolutely pissing ourselves laughing. 
"Oh, I'm so getting you back for that." He says, getting back on the bed. 
I've never mentioned this to him before, but I'm extremely ticklish. 

He gets onto the bed, sits on top of my legs and starts tickling me, us both still laughing away.
"No! Stop!" I'm saying while laughing, swatting his hands away with mine. 
"Never, you're staying right here!" He replies, still going at it. 
He grabs my hands to stop me from swatting him away, and pins them down onto the bed. 
He's so close to my face that I can feel his heavy breathing on my cheeks. 
He gets closer. 

Our lips meet, in a wild kiss. He lets go of my hands, and moves his up to and cups my head with them. It gets deeper and deeper. 
We then begin to swap over so I'm on top of him, still passionately making out. 
We make out for 10 minutes before he moves away. 
"Wow." He says, his smile beaming. 
"You took the words right out of my mouth." I reply. 
"I'll see you tonight? Look good for me." He says. 
"What? I don't already look pretty like this?" I tilt my face and give him a sad expression, with my hair looking like a birds nest and I'm still in my pyjamas. 
"You look great, babe. Don't worry."
I giggle.
"I'll definitely be there." I say. 
"Good." He gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room. 

I immediately grab my phone and text Max. 



I smile at the phone, and sink back into bed.

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now