Part 21

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Been in a sadness writer's block at the idea of Daniel no longer being on the grid. Abi Dhabi was a couple of days ago now so I'm ready to go back and pretend that never happened. Sorry for the lack of updates <3

3 weeks later

3 races have passed since the whole 'stranded in Belgium' thing happened. I've been kept on a tight leash since then – Max asking where I am at least 3 times a day and Daniel making sure my phone is always charged and my location on. It's been fun, however. As much as I say it's annoying that people keep checking up on me, I secretly love it because it just shows how much people care about me and actually don't want me to get lost in another country again. Even Christian mentioned something about it at the team meeting, and everyone clapped when he said about how happy I was I got found. Did make me tear up a little.


This week is Monaco. One of my favourite races on the calendar like everyone else's – the glitz, the glamour of celebrities who have no idea what's going on coming to get a picture with the drivers and the money everywhere. It's also a notoriously famous track, one that I'm absolutely terrified of too. The last thing I need is Daniel or Max crashing, as I don't think I'm mentally prepared for that yet. I don't think you ever are mentally prepared for it. I like to keep it as far out of my mind as it is.

I'm walking down the paddock on Friday, which means its ridiculously busy with Practice 1 + 2 on. I have my headphones in to drown out the loud noises, playing 'Golden Hour' by JVKE and just basking in the environment. I'm making my way to the garage when I feel an arm on me, grabbing me and pulls me away from where I was once before. I can't see who this is, and I begin to scream.
How on earth am I being kidnapped from a busy paddock in broad daylight?

I get put back down on the floor and get span around while in a secluded corner and I look at who just stole me. Of course, it's Daniel.
"Not funny." I say, with a very unimpressed look on my face.
"I found it funny." He replies.
"Texting to meet me here works just as well, it also means I don't have to fear for my life." I raise my eyebrow and fold my arms.
"Well that takes all the fun out of it." He says, walking towards me which makes me back up against a wall.
"Okay Mr Ricciardo, how can I help you on this fine morning?"
"Well Monaco is going to be one of the busiest weeks, which mean we probably won't see eachother very much. So I wanted to come say hi before I have to run off for the rest of the day."
I frown.
"What's up?" He asks, cupping my cheeks with his hands.
"I'm just gonna miss you." I say.
He leans down and kisses me.
"I know. But, if you come to my hotel room tonight we can spend some time together before tomorrow. It might not be until super late, though." He says.
"I can't stay up super late, I have a 7am meeting with Nicole and Jamie about the content we're recording this weekend and I don't want to walk around tomorrow like a Zombie." I reply.
"Okay, well we'll figure something out. In the mean time, please don't feel too sad about how we've not spent a lot of time together. It'll all sort itself out. I know it's even more difficult as we're on very different schedules, but it's going to be okay." He says.
"I promise." He says.
I nod my head.
He kisses me again, this time on my forehead and walks away to the McLaren garage, giving me a little wave as he looks back.
I can't help but stand there for a minute and have a little cry.

Over the last few weeks we've barely spent any time together – 5 minutes here and there before one of us gets called away to do something. On top of that, we fly on completely different days so we can't even get a flight together or anything like that. We text whenever we can, but it can't help but upset me. And that's when the overthinking kicks in.
What if he gets bored of the lack of time we have with eachother and decides that it's better if we just end things?

I wipe my tears and walk away, pop my earphones back in and head to the garage.

We'll make it work, there's always a way.

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