Part 28

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A couple of hours pass by of drinking and dancing and I am completely drunk. Was this probably a very bad idea, knowing I still have to work tomorrow? Yes. 
Do I really care? No. 

I decide to ground myself by going to sit down and get some water. Carlos comes with me too, and we're both sat there, chilling while the music carries on blasting. 
"Sorry about what happened. That must suck." He says. 
"It's whatever. Boys, right?" I reply. 
That makes him chuckle. 
"We invited him out tonight, but he said he wasn't bothered on coming out." 
"I just don't understand why he'd do that to me. He even went to the lengths of lying to me about it. If he had communicated why and where he was going and with who, maybe I would have understood. I know something shady happened because he didn't even deny anything happened when I went and shouted at him about it."
"I think the whole paddock heard that." Carlos says, chuckling to himself. 
"Oh well. Knew I shouldn't have played that game." 
"F1 drivers aren't all that trusted." He nods along. 
"Why can't I have gone for a better one?"
"Daniel seems like the best you could have gone for. But, it's fine. You'll move on, everyone does." He says, putting his hand on my thigh. 
I smile, before I start to feel violently ill. 

"Get me an ice bucket!" I shout. Charles comes out of nowhere and quickly puts one down in front of me, and everything I ate or drank just goes in there. Max sees this and grabs me, and starts to walk me outside. 
"You probably should get some fresh air." He says.

We manage to get out and the cool but humid air hits me, and I relax my shoulders. 
"Let me get you a glass of water. Stay here." Max walks back into the club. 

I put myself against the stone wall and start scrolling through my instagram just to distract myself. Suddenly, a fan edit of Daniel comes on my phone and I just can't help but cry. A man sees this and holds my wrist, and when I look up... it's Daniel. 
"You are the last person I want to talk to right now." I say, slurring my words in a mix of drunk and sadness. 
"Poppy, please hear me out." He pleads, looking down at my phone and seeing him there, and then looking back up and seeing my eyes streaming with mascara filled tears. 
"I don't think I want to." 
"Please. It's really not what it looks like."
"Why did you lie to me? Why did you say you were in a meeting when you were actually out.. with.. her?" I sob. 
"I didn't- I promise. I was at my meeting. And then my friends texted me saying that they wanted to go out. So, we decided to go. We went to the restaurant and then it just ended up being me and her by the end of the night. I took her to her cab, and those are the photos you saw. She kissed me on the cheek to say thank you. Nothing else. I even told her about you." Daniel says, turning my phone off and sliding it into my clutch for me.
"You.. you did?" I say, still crying my absolute eyes out.
"Yes, of course I did." He smiles at me. 
I carry on sobbing realising how much of a horrible mistake I made. Daniel holds me while I end up smearing mascara on his jacket, probably something that costs way too much money. 

His scent fills me nose while he just engulfs me with his arms, and I feel safe. I feel like I believe what he's saying. 
I wriggle myself out of the hug. 
"You pinky promise anything you said is the truth, and nothing but the truth?" I say, holding out my pinky. 
He links it with his. "I promise you on everything. I already knew you had fallen asleep, so I completely forgot to text you with an update of my night. I'm so sorry, Poppy." 
He wipes my tears and smeared mascara with his thumbs and Max comes out with his glass of water to see Daniel hugging me again. 

"You back away from her right now, before I punch you." Max snarls at him. 
"No. It's okay Max, the pictures weren't what they looked like-" I say to him. 
Max hands me the glass of water, and within a second he has Daniel pinned up against the wall.
"Why did you have to do that to her, huh? Do you know how upset she was?" Max says. 
"I know, I know! I knew she'd be around here, I came out here looking to explain the situation. I didn't cheat on her, I promise!" He shouts back. 
"You better fucking not have. Because if I find out you have, you'll have no limbs to drive with." Max carries on shouting. 
I run up to Max and start pulling him off Daniel, pleading. 
Max pushes me off, making me fall over. 
I gasp and so does he when he realises what he's done, and let's go of Daniel. 

I start to walk off. 
"No, Poppy- I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Max shouts, trying to follow me. 
"Fuck off, Max. You can try and solve this one tomorrow morning."

And I reply to the unopened text messages from Daniel, one just being sent from him. 

I've missed you. 

We still have things to patch up. Breakfast in my hotel room tomorrow?

Wouldn't miss it for the world. 

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