one : the new student

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rolling the pencil between her fingers, jang haerin roamed her eyes around the class full of students talking and minding their business

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rolling the pencil between her fingers, jang haerin roamed her eyes around the class full of students talking and minding their business

just how loud can they still get?

the moment a paper ball landed on her head, she quickly glared at the people in last row and threw it back but they laughed at her and went back to their business

just as she was about to turn back to her desk, the silent silhouette of the new student caught her eyes in the midst of the chaos. the black strands of hair perfectly falling over his forehead and his skin was milky white and spotless, with a few beauty marks scattered here and there, his eyes doe and deep, their color so warm it almost appeared like a shade of red- god, his visuals were out of this world

he raised his head and they made eye contact, haerin feeling small under his gaze as his boba eyes pierce through her soul. she broke it, feeling something weird inside her and immediately giving him her back

his aura was so intimidating that she wishes she's never gonna make eye contact with him again. he felt different, he wasn't normal. his skin was way too milky and his eyes had a unique color humans can't even have

the sound of the bell and the students already packing their things snapped her out of her thoughts as she stood up and started packing her things too, glancing back at the new boy to see him still there at his desk drawing

at first, she wanted to approach him to tell him lunch break was on but the way his eyes stared into her gave her shivers so she just decided to let him figure it out himself

"haerin~!" kim minji called her out as the younger smiled and waved her hand slightly at her "how's the class president doing?" minji crossed arms with her, walking side by side with her as they head to the cafeteria

"i just found out during the summer there'll be few meetings before school starts. remind me why i wanted to be the class president" she whined, still holding the summer schedule her teacher gave her this morning between her books

"then there's this new dude who's kinda creepy. we made eye contact and dude- i got shivers" the older chuckled, taking hold of a tray and getting in line to wait for the food

"i smell love~" the class president rolled her eyes, already expecting it from her since she says this every time just a simple interaction between her and a boy happens

"no, i mean- he's attractive and i'm not denying it, but he's just too weird. his eyes have a unique color and his aura is so dark"

"what if he's a vampire?" haerin bursted into a small laughter while minji looked at her lowkey offended "vampires? existing? oh my god don't make me laugh too much minji, you watched twilight too much"

"haerin, recently there have been a lot of murders that people suspect to be done by vampires. the victims were pale, dehydrated from any body fluid and had two holes on their necks. believe me or not, but sooner or later someone close to you might be a victim" the raven laughed again and wiped away some invisible tears. vampires existing? that's something only possible in fanfictions or tv shows



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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now