twenty-seven : i just want to talk

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"wait haerin!" jungwon ran after her, not giving up on catching up with her and clearing up the mess he made

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"wait haerin!" jungwon ran after her, not giving up on catching up with her and clearing up the mess he made. he misses her, way too much to go on another day without her cute giggles and soft lips and knowing that she is scared of him.

"i just wanna talk!" he managed to catch up with her and gently grabbed her wrist to stop her from running away, holding it softly but tight enough for her to not break free from his grip. haerin started violently swinging her arm around to remove his hand from her arm but it was no use, her arms were trembling like jellies and they hurted from the 3 hours volleyball training she just finished.

"please, i just want to talk.." for the first time, haerin saw a new side of him through his cat-like eyes that was almost vulnerable. he was pleading her to hear him out with his eyes, begging her to not run away from him again as it hurted him. he doesn't wanna scare his baby away, he never wanted to actually, it's just that some things sound normal to him while they are indecent for humans.

the class president finally stopped swinging her arm and let out a sigh, nodding her head as to signal him to go on and tell her whatever he was chasing her for. jungwon flashed her a closed mouth smile and cleared his throat, quickly regaining his composure as he fixed his posture.

"why are you.. scared of me?" the words barely got out of his mouth without showing any glimpse of pain on his face, his dead heart aching at the simple thought of her too scared to stay around him.

the girl showed a somewhat feeling of discomfort at the question, avoiding his gaze while formulating the right words in her head. "i mean, you killed two humans and sucked the life out them.. how could i not be scared?"

"i did it for you-"

"i never asked you to kill anyone for me." her voice sounded stern now, unlike usually as it would be soft as if it was a lullaby for him to fall asleep to, and her face displayed a serious expression. right, killing for someone sounds psychotic to humans. he should have kept in mind that haerin was not a vampire (even if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her).

"they were just mean girls, they weren't some serial killers that were about to poison me or something. and even so, you shouldn't kill anyone. nobody deserves to die." jungwon looked down in shame, slowly letting go of her wrist and nodding his head embarassed. he should have known better that it wasn't a good declaration of love murdering the girls that were making her life a living hell.

"and i'm scared that you'll do the same to me." that sentence made him raise his head once again and meeting eyes with her, his gaze softening at her worried expression. "haerin," the vampire held her hands gently and caressed the back of it with his thumb. "i would never hurt you."

now all the times he said that make sense.

"i'm sorry for scaring you, i would never lay a single finger on you to hurt you. are you still scared of me?" she reflected for a good minute with gaze fixated to the ground, contemplating in her head whether she is still scared of him or not just like he asked.

if she was scared, she wouldn't let him hold her hands. if she was scared, she wouldn't be able to stand before him and meet eyes with him. if she was scared, she wouldn't be able to talk to him.

haerin shook her head with a closed mouth smile, recieving a bigger one from him. thank god, he thought he was gonna lose her.

"wanna go eat dinner together?"

"wanna go eat dinner together?"

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no way just 1 chapter left

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now