nineteen : funny feeling

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staring at her new schedule with her lips pressed firmly in a thin line, haerin threw her backpack inside her locker frustrated before tossing the piece of paper on top of it and slamming it close

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staring at her new schedule with her lips pressed firmly in a thin line, haerin threw her backpack inside her locker frustrated before tossing the piece of paper on top of it and slamming it close

she just had to have every single class with jungwon

after what happened the other day, she has been avoiding him in every way possible. from eating her lunch in the school's garden to spending time with minji, who hasn't talked to her ever since hanni passed away since she believes all the rumors around the school so, she believes haerin is a vampire, and her friend group, full of snobby and bratty girls just like her after all. it'll feel so awkward and she isn't ready for that

she rested her back against the lockers while crossing her arms, a pout taking over her lips as she stared at the ground thinking about how is she gonna change all her classes in a day only

"hurry up guys!" three juniors passed in front of her running towards the canteen as her brows smashed against eachother, her feet unconsciously beginning to follow them until she arrived in front of a huge crowd right at the door

she pushed her way inside the crowd, arriving first row to see something she wished she never had to see. danielle marsh's lifeless body.

she was laying there, with eyes wide open and her lips parted from the moment she took her last breath, a droplet of dry blood coming from her mouth. her uniform was stained with bloody handprints and her hair were bathing in her own gore.

there was a bruise right above her left eye, as if she fought with whoever killed her

the class president was frozen. she couldn't scream, she couldn't gasp, she was unable to react

suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the crowd without her even realizing it, pushing her inside the janitor's room and closing the door. he pinned her to the wall, placing his hand over her mouth as he could tell that she was about to scream

"haerin, i know who did that. i can tell you if you want, but you need to promise me you won't tell anyone" she looked straight into sunoo's foxy eyes, shaking her head multiple times with terror still written all over her face.

she couldn't process anything. everything was happening so fast

just that moment, the door swung open as both of their heads turned toward it, their eyes meeting with a jealous won, crossed arms on his chest and a glare that could kill you

he made eye contact with sunoo, looking mad as he's never been before, and sunoo understood, it was better if he just left like jungwon's eyes were telling him

he slammed the door shut before locking it, pinning her to the wall by placing his hand right beside her head and getting dangerously close to her while locking eyes with her "why are you avoiding me."

"i believe you know the reason very well, now if you excuse me..." haerin lowered her head and walked past his arm, reaching for the doorknob and unlocking the door, planning to avoid him once again. he grabbed her shoulder and pushed her on the wall, a gasp leaving her mouth from the hard impact. he wanted answers, and he is gonna get them whether she likes it or not

"you aren't going anywhere. it's about the other day, isn't it?" she sighed, looking at her shoes while the tips of her feet went up and down and the lace of her shoulder wrapped around her finger "nothing happened yesterday"

jungwon scoffed, staring at the way her finger twirled and the lace perfectly wrapped around it "this is what we're doing now" the girl just nodded "just forget about it"

he suddenly leaned closer to her face, their noses brushing against each other and jungwon's hot breath hitting haerin's lips as she jumped a little on her spot, definitely not expecting that

"but how can i forget my darling? how can i ever forget about the taste of your lips and the way you so naively allowed me so close to you?"

"i did say i'd never hurt you, but i'm still the same monster- bloodthirsty, the kind that would drain the life out of about anything to satisfy their cravings"

"our connection might be something nature doesn't accept, but if you accept it, the rest doesn't matter" she finally raised her gaze from the ground, meeting eyes with him and feeling her heartbeat accelerating whilst a hot sensation builds up in her cheeks. what the hell is this funny feeling inside her tummy?

it felt like everything stopped for a second as they stared into each other's eyes in silence. this is new for haerin, what the hell is this actually?

she cleared her throat and looked away, escaping his arm and walking past him in a second, once again, running away from him

she cleared her throat and looked away, escaping his arm and walking past him in a second, once again, running away from him

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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now