special chapter : i thought i lost you

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"are you sure you're ready? do you want me to use a numbing cream on your neck—" haerin stopped her boyfriend's babbling by placing her hand on his with a small smile on her face, already reassuring him that she'll be fine with just a glance

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"are you sure you're ready? do you want me to use a numbing cream on your neck—" haerin stopped her boyfriend's babbling by placing her hand on his with a small smile on her face, already reassuring him that she'll be fine with just a glance. "i'll be fine won."

jungwon pressed his lips into a thin line, unsure about her sentence as he knows having two canines dug into your neck is everything but not painful. he flipped his hand so now the back was resting on his lap instead, intertwining fingers with her softly. "squeeze my hand if it hurts, okay?"

she nodded, breaking the contact between their palms to tie her now dark blonde hair which she and jungwon dyed together last week on a friday night, nearly burning her scalp and then deciding to cut her bangs afterwards by following a tutorial on tiktok. haerin proceeded to unzip her oversized black hoodie, giving him a better view of her neck so it was easier for him to do everything.

he stared at her neck hungrily, licking his lips as he admired the view in front of him whilst his fangs slowly slid down until they were completely exposed. her neck is so pretty, pale enough for him to see her veins and feel a burning desire to mark it up for everyone to know she is his.

call him jealous, but ever since sunoo managed to contact jungwon again after he saved himself from the police, he has been asking him non-stop about haerin and if they could meet up, or even just the two of them as if it was a date.

haerin snapped him out of his train of thoughts when she interlaced their fingers once again, letting him know she is ready to begin. the boy blinked a few times to wake up back to reality before finally realizing her actions, straightening his legs from his sitting position and manspreading for her to sit between his thighs.

"i'll be as gentle as i can, okay hae? we can stop if it hurts too much." the girl nodded her head, taking a deep breath as she suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of anxiety. she hoped that the blood wouldn't be too much and it wouldn't stain her thousands of won worth fluffy covers that they covered with a few rags. but of course that wasn't her top priority now. she was about to turn into an immortal bloodsucker, and her life was literally in her boyfriend's hands.

if he pulled out at the wrong moment, she could die on the spot.

well, it's not like jungwon felt relieved of what he was about to do.

the vampire took a deep breath and positioned himself right where the artery is, tilting her neck to give him a better view before he slyly slid his fangs down and dug them into her neck.

the girl squeezed his hand a bit as she closed her eyes shut, feeling his canines go deeper and deeper inside her skin as a droplet of blood started running down her neck, then her shoulder and then onto her tank top. she felt him run his warm tongue right under the fresh wound, sucking on all the gore that rolled out the holes he made.

it was messy, definitely. haerin's vital fluid was staining her clothes, her skin and the rags they put on in case this happened, it dripped down his chin and onto the hem of his t-shirt.

she squeezed his hand more to the point it would go numb, becoming paler and paler as seconds passed and feeling dizzy and light hearted, as if she was out of oxygen.

and just then, her grip loosened and she collapsed onto his body, signaling him that it was the time to stop. won panicked, taking her nearly lifeless body off his chest and gently laying it onto the mattress.

this was all part of the process, he knows that, as the venom that lies on a vampire's fangs will kill you and then heal you itself in order to become one of them. but the girl who laid lifeless in front of him was his girlfriend, the love of his life, and he wouldn't forgive himself if she died because of him.

he took a gauze and placed it on the wound, applying light pressure on it and setting it there with medical tape to stop the bleeding. and then he waited. she should have already woken up as a bloodsucker, but she was still unconscious and white like the snow.

by now, five minutes have passed, and haerin has never woken up. he was starting to panic, really hard actually, and tears began brimming his cat-like eyes just at the thought of losing her forever. she should have been awake by four minutes now, not collapsed on the white duvet.

"hae please.." the male anxiously shook her body, letting bloody tears blur his vision completely as he hugged her dead corpse tightly. she can't die, not now that they were ready to run away together and start a new life in the underworld. not now that they were both finally happier and together. not now that she got a break from all her problems.

"please wake up.." jungwon tucked a strand of hair behind her ear gently, pearl-like cheeks stained in blood and silent sobs escaping his lips.

suddenly, her arm moved, eyes squinting at the sudden brightness she was welcomed with right after waking up as she reached out for her lover's hand. "won.." he immediately held her hand, moving her bangs out of her face softly after instantly wiping his tears away and squeezing her hand so she knew he was there whilst smiling warmly. "you're awake."

"were you.. were you crying?" she whispered caressing his pink-ish cheeks because of the smudged blood, body still weak from the pain she went through and mind all dizzy because of the venom that has just reached her brain. "no, it's just.. yeah, i thought i lost you forever." won pulled her impossibly closer than how she already is, feeling her arms frailly wrap around his tiny waist and snuggling her face in his tummy.

"i would have probably haunted you as a ghost." the vampire chuckled at his girlfriend's nonchalant tone, caressing her head sweetly whilst shaking his head.

"i love you hae, you scared me so much earlier."

"i'm sorry won, i love you too."

i was so eager to release this omg

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i was so eager to release this omg

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