twelve : caught red handed

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"okay girls, five minutes break and then we'll gate here to discuss the formation!" the coach shouted and blew in her whistle aggressively as haerin covered her ears at the high-pitched sound before quickly walking towards the bench where all thei...

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"okay girls, five minutes break and then we'll gate here to discuss the formation!" the coach shouted and blew in her whistle aggressively as haerin covered her ears at the high-pitched sound before quickly walking towards the bench where all their water bottles were placed

she hates staying at school and now she even has to stay here more for a volleyball game? she would rather shoot herself in a foot

this has started last year, when she first joined the team and thought staying at school during the evening was fun.

because well, volleyball competitions in her school only happen during the evening when everyone already left the school

she let out a sigh as she wiped away some sweat from her forehead, feeling extremely tired like she's never been before since the past week she hasn't been able to sleep properly or just at all. nightmares, weird feelings, and dead people appearing in her dreams- haerin has seen it all

she can't continue this game, nor does she want to. she raised her hand and smiled when she made eye contact with her coach, receiving nothing but a rude what from the woman

"may i go to the bathroom for a second coach lee?" the woman nodded carelessly as haerin quickly ran out of the gym to close herself in the bathroom until the competition is over and everyone went home

the moment she was about to push the door open with both of her hands, an awful smell made its way inside her nostrils and her nose scrunched at just how disgusting it is

then, she heard a voice. a deep masculine voice as her ears perked up and her feet unknowingly started following that voice until they led her in front of the student's council meeting room

the door was open, the voice was closer, and the odor was stronger. someone was in there, but who would ever stay in the meeting room at such hour by themselves?

"how much do i owe you?" the voice spoke again and for some reason, it was oddly familiar to her ears. but her mind couldn't recall who it belonged to

"one million for the rabbit, three million for the human" a quiet gasp left her lips as she slapped her hand over her mouth, feeling like all her muscles just froze completely and she was unable to move

"ayy come on sunoo-hyung, we've been friends for decades. why not give me a discount?" she slowly approached the door frame and hid behind the wall, peeking inside the room to see no other but the familiar raven hair belonging to yang jungwon and another person with black hair and foxy eyes wearing a black mask to cover his face

"jungwon, you know i do not give discounts. this is the black market, not your usual shop handled by an old woman. four million or nothing" jungwon sighed, taking his wallet out of his pocket and opening it to give the mysterious boy his money

"here, four million like you wanted. now, can i see the rabbit?" the boy placed a black suitcase on the desk and opened it, the odor of a dead carcass hitting haerin's smell buds as she pinched the bridge of her nose with a sick expression

yet, the disgusted face soon turned into a shocked one when she glanced inside the room again, her eyes meeting with the carcass of a rabbit pooling in his own blood with his abdomen cut open and his organs smashed all over the bag

it was disturbing and haerin couldn't handle that

"be grateful i smashed his organs for you and even removed his last meal from the stomach. i'm not making you pay for that cause i feel nice" jungwon licked his lips with his eyes scanning his meal happily and nodding his head lightly. raw rabbit meat is his favorite food, especially if he can drink the blood with it

"and the human?"

"ten bottles like you requested. added some chucks of meat for you cause i know you like them"

"thanks man, you're the best. i'll see you next month?" the raven took another suitcase from his hands as the other nodded, patting his shoulder before saying something awful

"by the way, i heard of the recent murder in this school. was it you?" the younger shrugged his shoulder smiling slightly "you'll see"

 was it you?" the younger shrugged his shoulder smiling slightly "you'll see"

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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now