nine : bathroom urges

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"shit" haerin cursed with her head into the toilette, one hand supporting her weak body on the toilette's edge whilst the other held her hair into a ponytail

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"shit" haerin cursed with her head into the toilette, one hand supporting her weak body on the toilette's edge whilst the other held her hair into a ponytail

it was a mess. a smelly and disgusting mess

it looked like someone just got murdered right in that bathroom and all their body parts were shoved into the toilette. but actually, it was just what she threw up until now

blood. blood with chunks of flesh and a few white ones being what was left of her breakfast

it wasn't natural, she didn't throw up naturally, she decided to throw up by herself since her body was doing nothing

she did not want to risk her health because of some stupid girl she is just too scared to confront. and now she couldn't stop throwing up, every time something came out of her mouth it was red and metallic tasting, it wasn't just a one-time thing

"need help?" jungwon held her hair for her, keeping the door of the bathroom stall open with one foot

"leave" she replied coldly before coughing loudly, spitting blood again and feeling like everything finally stopped. she stood from the dirty ground and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, pushing him by placing her hands on his chest before walking to the sink and drinking a good amount of water

"i got you some real food" he took out of his pocket a chocolate and biscuit snack from the vending machines, outstretching his hand to give it to her but she just stared at it uninterested before looking at him straight in the eyes "i said leave. didn't you say it was better if i stayed away from you?"

"yeah but you just threw up-"

"listen bloodsucker, leave me alone right now or i bet the last thing you want is to have a wooden stick stuck in your heart" the class president warned him pointing her index finger at him, not wanting to be related to him ever again after what just happened to her

"plus why are you here in the bathroom? are you stalking me?" jungwon sighed, shoving his hands back in his pockets still holding the snack he brought just for her

"first, i have all the rights to stay in this bathroom since it's genderless. second, no i am not stalking you, i'm just looking after you"

she chuckled sarcastically and crossed her arms on her chest, suddenly feeling so confident to not give a fuck if he could just kill her there in a few seconds "looking after me? how old do you think i am? and now that i stopped chasing you, you think a stupid snack will fix everything?"

"you should have just thought twice before rejecting my snack"

the boy pinched the bridge of his nose, opening his mouth to say something but sealed it shut after noticing the badly stained clothes. he licked his lips, grasping the hem of his shirt tightly and tilting his head for a moment

the exposed neck, the bittersweet smell of blood and, the small yummy-looking pieces of flesh. this sounds like free lunch to jungwon

her blood smells so good and just from a small sniff he can tell, he would drink it all day if he could

he pressed his lips into a thin line as he felt his fangs showing up and his eyes slowly turning into a dark shade of red. fuck, he has to leave and instantly

"you know what? just do whatever you want. it's for your own good, not mine. just do not complain about the consequences" he ran away leaving her dumbfounded as her features twisted in confusion, his sentence not even making sense since she was talking about something completely different



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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now