twenty-two : amusement park

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"ready for the best day of your life?" jungwon nudged haerin's shoulder with a smile as they walk side by side down the empty sidewalk

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"ready for the best day of your life?" jungwon nudged haerin's shoulder with a smile as they walk side by side down the empty sidewalk. haerin pretended to think for a moment before nodding excitedly, turning towards him and giving back the same smile.

"honestly, i don't even know how an amusement park looks like." she tilted her head to the side slightly and stared at the cement with lips pressed firmly together, making jungwon feel bad for her since her parents took away most of her childhood.

"not even in movies?" she shook her head and made eye contact with him innocently as the boy bit his lower lip, feeling a stroke of sadness hitting him but he brushed it away. nothing is gonna ruin this day, nothing. "i spent most of my childhood inside my study room, homeschooled and studying since my parents said that was the best for me..." the brunette pursed her lips as she lowered her gaze, fidgeting with her skirt while her hair covered her face

"well, you're an adult now, you're 18 so you can decide for yourself. and you can finally enjoy what you missed out when you were young. let's enjoy this day, let's not talk about some stupid parents that don't know how to treat their daughter right." the class president chuckled at the last sentence and nodded, agreeing with everything he said. even if they're the ones that brought her to this world, it doesn't mean that she needs to love them no matter what after how they treated her.

jungwon was right. this was indeed the best day of her life. amusement parks are so fun, and she regrets missing out on so much. haerin had never been the type to protest against what people tell her to do. she prefers creating little to no trouble at all rather than bothering people. she never tried to say anything against what her parents did to her during her childhood.

that's the main reason why she never defended herself when hanni or danielle were still alive. actually, she did once, and she faced the consequences of it.

"we should visit the haunted house!" haerin pointed at the darkly painted building while jumping up and down lightly in excitement and begging him with her eyes. jungwon pressed his lips into a thin line, staring at the haunted house unsure of his answer. it's not like he's scared, he's just afraid that they'll make fun of vampires.

"please jungwon." she clinged on his arm while a pout curved on her lips, pleading him to visit it with her for the first time. he sighed. how can he say no to someone adorable like her? "fine."

while the girl was busy admiring the creepy decorated hallway, the vampire was gripping on her arm for his dear life and his senses were completely aware of all his surroundings. funny how someone who's awake during the scariest hours is afraid of a stupid haunted house at an amusement park.

well, that was until a poorly dressed up vampire popped out of a room near the exit. the brunette gasped drammatically and crossed his arms over his chest, offended of how they represented vampires. so this is how humans see them?

"now what the hell is this?" won scanned the man from head to toe with utter disgust on his face as haerin was already dying from how much she was laughing. "can't believe this is how yall see us. you wanna see how a real vampire acts dude?" his eyes became a dark shade of red and just as his fangs were about to slide out, the class president dragged him out before he could traumatize the poor guy or anything like that.

"bruh. it's unbelievable. we don't say "i wanna drink your blood" or bullshit like that, man." jungwon complained again for the fifth time as she rolled her eyes, grabbing a piece of cotton candy from the now visible wooden stick since she's almost done with it. "it's the fact that he was dressed up as someone from the 1700s. like we don't dress up like that anymore. it's 2022."

"but what m-" before just anything else about that vampire could leave his mouth, haerin grabbed his collar and kissed him as the boy froze. he was definetly not expecting the shy girl he knows to do such a bold action. before he could even process, she already pulled away and began walking again like nothing happened at all. he licked his lips, tasting the cotton candy that was left on her lips and loving it.

he caught up with her and snacked a hand around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her just to feel the way her lips are perfectly made for his again. he was addicted to her lips. he was addicted on the cherry flavor they leave on his lips every single time he pulls away.


"thanks for walking me back home, and thanks for holding my hand during the roller coaster ride. oh and thanks for bringing me to an amusement park. how can i pay you back?" haerin tilted her head to the side whilst thinking about a way to pay him back after this wonderful day she spent with him. he walked closer to her and leaned in, getting so close to her ear that she could feel his breath on it. "just leave your window open tonight, hmm?"

jungwon pulled out with a smirk, walking down the small stairs in front of her door before turning around and winking at her. she giggled and waved at him, feeling a burning sensation on her cheeks after his heart stopping action.

 she giggled and waved at him, feeling a burning sensation on her cheeks after his heart stopping action

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happy valentine's day even though my now ex crush rejected me the day before :) already moved on lmao

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now