five : bothersome

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"good morning jungwon" haerin greeted the boy who was already sitting at his desk listening to music, placing her backpack beside her chair with a smile and walking up to him

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"good morning jungwon" haerin greeted the boy who was already sitting at his desk listening to music, placing her backpack beside her chair with a smile and walking up to him

"i got you a snack at the vending machines, you can eat it later for lunch since you're always only drinking that juice-" she outstretched her hand with the snack smiling, but again, jungwon didn't seem interested

"you can keep it, i don't want it. stop worrying about me" he told her with a cold tone, not even trying to be a bit polite with her nor looking at her in the face while rejecting something she spent her money on. her smile dropped, disappointed but not even that much surprised as the first time this happened

"b-but you can't starve! it's not good for your health-"

"are you bothering the new student again? did your only friend ditched you for someone better? i wouldn't even be surprised if she did, she should have done that long ago" the girl who mocked her the other day, pham hanni, laughed at her as the class president closed her eyes shut, not ready to get humiliated in front of someone that saw her as a normal girl and not as the school's target

"how much is she bothering you jungwon? it must have been hard to deal with someone as annoying as her" jungwon glanced at her for a second before rolling his eyes, nodding his head at how bothersome she is

"a lot, she's trying to give me this snack when i keep telling her i don't want it" hanni laughed a little at how pathetic she is for her, rudely snatching the snack from her hands and examining it for a few seconds before sliding it in her bag "it's my favorite snack, thanks loser" the bully smiled sarcastically at her and flicked her forehead with her fingers, walking away satisfied while the girl rubbed her forehead with a sad expression

he probably finds her ridiculous now

"i-i'm sorry to be so bothersome, i was just worrying for your health" she bowed apologetically and sat on her chair, clutching her backpack on her chest while staring at her lap feeling pathetic and miserable like usual

she's used to this. she's used to this empty feeling. after all, this is part of her morning routine that has been going on for years

"haerin," won called her name as haerin looked at him with eyes full of hope that he'll apologize for what he said and that he doesn't really see her as annoying "next time get me the vanilla-flavored one, i hate chocolate and biscuit" her expectations went under the ground. what was she expecting? it's not like he wanted to be friends with her. after all, he told her to leave him the fuck alone

she nodded, apologizing to him once again and turning her head back to the front, sniffing slightly and fluttering her eyes close to repress her emotions that were coming to the surface

and then again, the chances of making new friends vanished in thin air

and then again, the chances of making new friends vanished in thin air

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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now