twenty-three : leave the window open

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typing down whatever was on her mind, haerin's fingers loudly hit the keys on her computer as her eyes stared at the screen to make sure there are no typos or anything like that

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typing down whatever was on her mind, haerin's fingers loudly hit the keys on her computer as her eyes stared at the screen to make sure there are no typos or anything like that. ever since the bullying got worse, she started writing down her thoughts to get rid of them since they were consuming her and it became an habit of hers since then.

a knocking on her window made her turn towards it and a smile curved on her lips as soon as she saw who it was, standing from her chair and opening it whilst meeting eyes with the boy who had a smirk on his face.

"sorry if my window was closed but, i was feeling too cold." she apologized while crossing her arms on her chest to keep herself warm from the air leaking inside the room. he jumped in and unzipped his jacket before letting it fall on the floor with a playful look on.

jungwon walked towards her and haerin stupidly stepped back, her legs hitting the edge of the matress and she was left with no choice but sit on the latter, a smile of mischief stretches jungwon's lips.

"exactly where i wanted you." he pinned her between his arms and lowered his head until their noses brushed against eachother, placing a hand on her cheek and caressing it with his thumb as haerin felt a knot in her stomach- more commonly known as butterflies. he connected their lips gently whilst her eyes closed and her sweaty hands grasped for the bedsheets desperately since she might just grab his collar and pull him even closer than how he already is.

not even a minute into the kiss and she was already a blushing mess. the class president started gigging like a baby and jungwon slowly but softly broke the kiss with a smile on his lips and a small giggle escaping his mouth from how contagious her laugh is. "what are you giggling at?"

"the butterflies in my stomach." the brunette replied shyly as her hands desperately held back from covering her face, completely red because of his heart-fluttering actions while jungwon stared at her with eyes full of adoreness and the biggest grin on his pink-ish lips.

if only she could see herself how jungwon sees her.

"q-quit staring jungwon." haerin looked away flustered and the boy chuckled, leaning closer once again until their lips brushed against eachother and almost giving her a heart attack. "how can i stop staring when you're the prettiest human i've ever seen?" her face became even redder and he cupped her cheeks, kissing the tip of her nose before placing kisses all over her face as he was not able to resist all her cuteness.

not even his dead heart could handle all that.

"i-i'm not. i'm sure you met a lot of pretty girls during your life."

"yeah, but none of them captured my heart like you did. actually, you're the only girl i've ever liked."

"you're such a flirt yang jungwon." the kang chuckled at how flirty he is and broke the contact between them, laying down on her bed to calm down her rapidly beating heart but he layed beside her and moved on his side, resting his head on his palm to admire her side profile.

"you should leave before my parents hear us." she turned towards him as they made eye contact, haerin breaking it to glance at the door to make sure her parents were sleeping deeply. if they find out she lets boys sneak in her room she'll be grounded for the rest of her life. "nah, i wanna cuddle my baby to sleep."

she blushed once again at the pet nickname, caught off guard by jungwon who suddenly hugged her and pulled her close until her head was resting on his chest. "b-baby..?"

"do you prefer darling? or maybe sweetheart?" he caressed her hair whilst thinking about any pet nickname he likes that would suit her. he loves teasing her and her blushing cheeks whenever he calls her any of those or he kisses her, so he wants to make sure it happens a lot of times. "dolly? because you're as pretty as a doll?"

"haerin? who's there with you?"

simping hard over jungwon rn but how are you guys

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simping hard over jungwon rn but how are you guys

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now