seventeen : last time

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sitting at her desk staring at her lunchbox, haerin's sad gaze fell on her lap as she fidgeted with her fingers, hearing her stomach grumble but she just rubbed it slightly before ignoring it completely

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sitting at her desk staring at her lunchbox, haerin's sad gaze fell on her lap as she fidgeted with her fingers, hearing her stomach grumble but she just rubbed it slightly before ignoring it completely

"haerin? what are you doing here?" jungwon's head popped from the doorframe as he stepped inside the empty classroom and closed the door behind himself with his eyebrows crashing "i've been looking for you since like thirty minutes? i don't know, but why aren't you in the cafeteria? we can't eat in our class"

haerin let out a sigh full of sadness before standing from her chair and taking a hold of her lunchbox, walking to the trash bin near the door and removing the top to throw the food away

but luckily, jungwon was fast enough to catch it and put the lid back on before she could do anything else "what the hell are you doing? why are you throwing away your food like that?"

"i'm just not hungry"

just in time, her stomach betrayed her as it grumbled again as he shook his head while sighing lightly, placing the container on the nearest desk before crossing his arms on his chest as his features twist in coldness "why are you starving yourself? you're definitely hungry so don't try to use that excuse"

"i need to lose weight, d-danielle told me i'm fat.." his eyes softened as his cold look instantly disappeared and he breathed out heavily, yet his mind was totally different.

he felt a wave of burning anger inside him that was telling him to do the most horrible things to that worthless piece of shit people call a mean girl, but yet, it was wrong

the only thing danielle deserves is a huge taste of her own medicine and karma

but he promised her. he promised her the bullies will stop soon yet she got body shamed and even starved herself because of a girl who feels miserable about herself

"listen," he placed a hand on her shoulder while looking at her straight in the eyes "you are perfect just the way you are, you don't need to lose weight or anything like that for a stupid girl, okay?" haerin broke the eye contact and lowered her head, placing her hand over her elbow and processing the words he just said

"stop lying jungwon, you can tell me the same thing, it's not like it's the first time i hear it..." she pressed her lips into a thin line with her head hung low, not daring to make eye contact with him because of whatever he was gonna say next

"lying? me? please, that's the last thing you'll see me doing. i mean what i say haerin. now," jungwon grabbed the lunchbox before wrapping his slender fingers around her wrist and gently dragging her back to her desk before making her sit down. he set the box on the table and sat on the chair in front of it whilst taking the chopsticks, grasping a piece of food with it and placing it in front of her mouth "say aaaah"

the girl shook her head and pushed his hand back while keeping her mouth shut. the yang sighed, feeling like what he's about to do will be so embarrassing "the plane is arriving now, where is it gonna land?" he moved the chopsticks around to mimic an airplane and even replicated those sounds moms usually make to feed babies. she laughed, finding him and his attempt to feed her ridiculous

"the train is arriving at the station! but will the station allow it to stop there?" he placed the food in front of her lips again and this time, she did open her mouth and finally ate something after two days, giggling at how hilarious jungwon sounded doing this

a smile made its way to his lips, his ears addicted to the sound of her giggles and his eyes focusing on how pretty her smile is

it was official, jungwon has found the person his dead heart is after

it was official, jungwon has found the person his dead heart is after

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might start updating regularly again

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now