twenty-four : kissing in the bathroom

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"good afternoon dolly," jungwon greeted the class president who was sitting at a table of the cafeteria writing down her notes, copying the ones from his notebook as she found them more trustworthy than her textbook since jungwon witnessed all of ...

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"good afternoon dolly," jungwon greeted the class president who was sitting at a table of the cafeteria writing down her notes, copying the ones from his notebook as she found them more trustworthy than her textbook since jungwon witnessed all of this. "did your parents scold you after last night? your neighbor saw me so i had to run away."

"ah no, they're too dumb so they believe everything i tell them." he chuckled at haerin's statement as he placed the black straw poking from his bottle's cap in his mouth, gulping down some of the crimson liquid before licking the blood off his lips. "that's good, anyways, are you going to minji's party tonight?" he observed the way all her muscles froze as the pen fell on her notebook, slowly looking up as her teeth chewed on her lower lip.

"i've never been to one before actually... since, you know, i was the school's target they never invited me. i also have some beef with minji."

"then it's your chance to finally start enjoying your life! you're 18 and you've never been to a party? there's always a first time. we don't life forever."

"said by you it's actually funny." haerin cracked into a giggle at how hilarious that sentence sounded coming from someone who'll live forever. but deep down, even if she wants to reject with her whole being, she knows he's right. she'll definetly regret missing out on the best years of her life. "so? i'll come with you and we can leave whenever you want."

"fine." the vampire smiled satisfied, grabbing his backpack from the chair beside him and standing up at the sound of the bell. "great, i'll come pick you up at 7 pm then!"


pressing the doorbell right under the JANG FAMILY sign, won fixed his black turtleneck that he paired with white loose-fitting jeans and a pair of black converse, forehead slightly exposed by the space between his bangs. the door opened after a few minutes and his expectations went under the ground, meeting with a woman in her 50s wearing a maid dress as she held a broom in her hand with tired eyes. "how may i help you?"

"i'm here to pick up haerin-"

"younglady haerin will be here in a few minutes." she slammed the door on his face but he was too surprised by the 'younglady haerin' that slipped through her lips to even care. from what he knows, referring to someone above you as younglady means the family you're working for is extremely rich, millionaires if not billionaires. and he honestly never expected her to be that rich.

the rich girls he met were all bratty and spoiled, always thinking they're above everyone and almost having a narcissistic behaviour, their whole closet being made only of high quality brands like gucci. but haerin was different, she was kind and nice to everyone, even to those who made her life a living hell and just wore normal clothes, not wanting to look spoiled since it would have made her look like a brat.

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now