seven : you were right

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"minji minji!" haerin grabbed the girl's wrist who was talking to one of haerin's volleyball teammates and dragged her away without saying anything else

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"minji minji!" haerin grabbed the girl's wrist who was talking to one of haerin's volleyball teammates and dragged her away without saying anything else

"haerin i was talking to her-"

"that can wait! i need to tell you something important!"

"more important than bubble tea?"

"yes, now you remember the new student i told you about?" minji rolled her eyes at the mention of the new student again, crossing her arms on her chest and looking at her friend with a raised brow waiting for her to explain

"well, i think you were right. he is a vampire" she widened her eyes as her hand flew to her mouth in shock, squealing excitedly and stomping her feet while the other's brows crashed in confusion

why would she celebrate with all the recent murders?

"what's his name? what does he look like?"

"minji, he could kill you! he's hella scary! on top of that, ever since i started talking to him weird things have been happening to me"


"like-" the class president bit her lip, contemplating whether she should tell her what happened to her last night. she will probably call her crazy and say she's just making everything up as a way to prank her since minji does believe in vampires

"nevermind, forget it" haerin shook her head and mumbled a "sorry" under her breath before walking away, leaving her friend dumbfounded

"i'm just gonna find it out myself" she ran to her classroom with a lot of questions roaming in her mind and she needs answers, right now

"jungwon!" the raven called his name, entering inside and pinning her eyes on his usual seat that was now empty, yet all his things were still on his desk

"jungwon?" her eyebrows crashed, looking around but she was indeed alone in the class. she approached his seat, pinning her eyes on his bottle left carelessly there like nothing

haerin twisted the cap open, bringing the tip close to her nose and sniffing on whatever there was inside. she inserted her index finger and dipped it in the red liquid, shining on her fingertip as a droplet rolled down her digit the moment she took it out and tasted it

the metallic and bitter flavor of blood is the first thing she could recall in that taste. her lips parted and her eyes went wide, the bottle sliding out of her hand as the red liquid spilled all over the floor and a gasp left her mouth

"haerin, what are you doing with my drink?" the cold and deep voice of the one and only yang jungwon made her turn around immediately with utter shock all over her face

"j-jungwon you're a . . . " the jang couldn't finish her sentence from how scared she is, feeling her heart in her throat and stepping backward as he started walking up to her, her white sneakers getting stained with the crimson drink

"a vampire?" he laughed lightly shaking his head with a smirk, sliding his hands into his pockets whilst looking at the mess she made and getting closer to her with every step he takes

"you're pretty smart, aren't you haerin-ah?" he tilted his head with a fake pout as haerin began to move around the classroom and push different things around that would help her block him

"d-don't come near me!" she harshly pushed a chair and ran out of the classroom frightened, leaving bloody footprints every time her shoes touched the ground

"d-don't come near me!" she harshly pushed a chair and ran out of the classroom frightened, leaving bloody footprints every time her shoes touched the ground

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