twenty-one : first snow

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it has been two weeks since danielle passed away

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it has been two weeks since danielle passed away. the bullying stopped, and haerin's life was definitely better after no one dared to make fun of her.

no one in their right state of mind would bully her if both of her previous bullies ended up being brutally killed. riki and hyein are still recovering from what happened the other time.

hyein has some really bad damage to her airway while riki, well, jungwon has beaten him up so badly that he spent three days in the hospital.

yet, jungwon wasn't suspended. it's like nothing ever happened at all. ever since the fight and the use of "superpowers" no one ever dared to stay near jungwon or bother haerin. who knows what he could do if they did?

and about the kisses? that's a taboo topic for them- or at least, for her. jungwon actually enjoys making her as red as a tomato whenever he mentions what happened in the nursery. so they just act as if they were normal friends

nevertheless, haerin is grateful that no one is bullying her anymore

"jungwon!" haerin spotted his figure in front of the gym's entrance, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she ran up to him and crossed arms with him

he smiled and let out a small giggle, finding cute the way she is so excited to see him even if they met four hours ago "missed me this much?" haerin glared at him as he flashed a teasing smile

"i'm just excited to go home" she fixed her bag over her shoulder and rolled her eyes playfully, denying the fact that she didn't when it was crystal clear that she did miss him a tiny bit

"but now that i come to think of it, why are you here? did you miss me?" she gave him a teasing look and nudged his shoulder. he did. a lot actually. he shook his head and chuckled, pretending as if he didn't at all "i'm just here to make sure you'll get home safely. you know, with all the murders recently it's not safe to go home this late all by yourself."

"plus you just finished a volleyball game. you must be too tired to fight a vampire."

"let's go now, shall we?"


walking side by side under the dark sky of december, haerin's eyes quickly roamed around her surroundings whilst her finger twirled around the excess fabric of her shoulder straps, pressing her lips into a thin line at the awkward silence around them. jungwon's hands slid in his dark green jacket's pockets, looking at the way haerin avoided any type of eye contact with him.

he breathed out heavily to get her attention before brushing his fluffy dark hair out of his face with his hands and parted his lips to say something. "so, did you like our kiss the other day? i never asked you." even just the slightest mention of that incident made her cheeks turn into a rosey shade as she glanced away from jungwon and lowered her gaze to hide her face with her hair.

"i told you that's a taboo topic."

"and i told you i don't g-" before won could finish his sentence, a snow drop gently fell on haerin's nose as her eyes adorably followed it until it touched her nose's tip. he stopped to admire whatever was happening because that was the cutest thing he ever saw in his 1800 years of life.

soon, that single snowflake was followed by many more that covered the empty streets. and there were jungwon and haerin, playing around by throwing eachother snowballs. it was the first snow of the year, and jungwon was witnessing it with someone he really likes.

could he wish for anything better?

"okay okay! i'll surrend!" haerin raised her arms in the air giggling, letting the snowball in her hands fall on the white ground in defeat as a smile creeped up on his lips and he started celebrating.

"i warned you, no one can win against me during a snowball fight." he told her, sitting on the nearest bench while panting, catching his breath after laughing and running as the girl sat beside him and placed her backpack on her lap.

"i mean, you probably witnessed the first snowball fight in history." the raven cracked into a small laugh and nodded his head, looking at the gloomy sky faking to reminisce the first snowball fight in history and pretending it was a real fun.

"ah yeah, that was a fun time." he turned towards her as they made eye contact, staring into her hazel eyes and unconsciously moving closer to her. he placed a hand on her cheek and his gaze fell on her lips, about to connect his with hers when a phone started ringing.

haerin broke the eye contact and quickly opened her bag to see who was calling her before firmly pressing her lips into a thin line. "it's my mom, i-i should hurry up." she swung her bag over her shoulder and rapidly left before he could notice her red cheeks.

" she swung her bag over her shoulder and rapidly left before he could notice her red cheeks

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happy birthday jungwon !!!

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now