six : weird feeling

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sitting in front of her desk typing on her computer, haerin checked the time on her phone while fixing the sheet face mask she put on a few minutes ago

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sitting in front of her desk typing on her computer, haerin checked the time on her phone while fixing the sheet face mask she put on a few minutes ago

just as her index finger was about press the 'search' button, she started having second thoughts

what if she's just overthinking? perhaps it's just minji's fault for telling her all those brutal stories of people being killed by vampires that are making her over-analyze everything

she tilted her head for a split second, re-reading what she typed on the search bar : are vampires real?

well, she already searched up any juice that will destroy your stomach but nothing came up. correction : nothing that is considered juice came up

the only things that came up were alcohol and blood. that's why she's been browsing if there were any proofs that vampires exist

the raven nodded her head, sure of what she was doing and that it was only for fun. the moment her finger landed on the search button without pressing it, the door stormed open as she closed her computer shut and pretended to fix her face mask on the small mirror on her study table

"haerin, can we talk about your school report for a minute?" her mother barged into her room without knocking, holding her school report with her features twisted in disappointment

"yeah, what about it?"

"it's disgusting! only eight 'A's, one B and one C? what happened to your straight 'A's?" the girl sighed, seeing it coming from miles since her parents are never happy with her grades even if she worked hard

"i thought we already talked about your grades and what i'm expecting from you"

"yeah, but i've already told you i'm trying hard-"

"and for you, this is trying hard? it's barely anything, you didn't even open a book" and just like every time she receives her school report, her mom started scolding her for not getting straight 'A's when haerin is clearly struggling mentally and has no one to rant her problems to

"i better see straight 'A's next time or else you'll be grounded for a month" her mum warned her before closing her door shut as the raven rolled her eyes and opened her laptop, not even hesitating anymore and just pressing the search button

the first thing that popped up was an article from a few days ago, the title being written in uppercase and bold : ARE VAMPIRES REAL? THE RECENT MURDERS PROVE SO

recently, a lot of murders occurred in south korea, and many suspect vampires to be the culprits

pale, lost of body fluids, and with two holes on their necks- that's how the victims looked like

coincidentally, recently there have been a lot of possible proofs of vampires existing-

the jang suddenly looked at her window anxiously, feeling like someone was watching her but there was no one. she started sensing a ticklish feeling all over her body and her light started flickering as she screamed a little, immediately grabbing her pillow and blanket and running downstairs

she has no intention to sleep there. she'll just sleep on the couch with all the lights on, it's not like she's the one paying the bills

 she'll just sleep on the couch with all the lights on, it's not like she's the one paying the bills

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this is just a filler chapter yall dw it's gonna get better

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now