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the sun was up that day, shining brightly in the afternoon sky and lighting up everything it's rays touched, the wind lightly brushing the grass in that garden making it move from time to time. there was a tree in the middle of the garden, a cherry blossom tree specifically, leaving a tall and long shadow that allowed anyone to find some cooling temperature from the hot weather.

and under this tree seated two people, two pair of legs resting on the grass beside eachother with a hand caressing the girl's thigh making her giggle like a little baby, the other on the back of her head to pull her impossibly closer than how she already is as their lips moved slowly in sync. jang haerin wrapped an arm around her lover's nape, fingers playing with his fluffy bleached blonde hair and resting her other hand on his small waist.

the hand that was resting on her nape travelled to the side of her neck, his thumb caressing the two tiny holes he made almost nine months ago as he couldn't help but smile in between the kiss. she was now his, and he was gonna stay with her forever. haerin slightly flinched as she hissed, breaking the contact between their lips to cover the mark that stinged at the slightest touch. "it hurts won." yang jungwon chuckled as he raised his hands in defeat, letting his grin spread on his face and crossing his legs on the grass.

"sorry sorry, i'm just proud of what i did you know?" the girl smacked him gently as she playfully rolled her eyes, standing up from the ground and outstretching her hand out for him to intertwine fingers with her and help him stand up. "we should go now, your family must be waiting for us."

a year ago, after haerin was taken away by two guards, jungwon managed to escape and save himself. and just as he promised, he came to school on monday, just to tell his girlfriend his plan of running away together and start a new life in the underworld, where nobody could find them. but to do so, haerin had to become a vampire, and he wasn't sure she was gonna give in.

about a month later, jungwon bit her and the month after they ran away during the night. haerin doesn't go to school anymore, but it's not like it's a problem since she has forever to learn.

jungwon smiled and took her hand in his, getting on his feet and snaking an arm around her waist as they began walking side by side to jungwon's family house. they are really supportive, and they understood haerin still wanted a contact with the human world and easily gave her access from their home, where they've been living in ever since she became a vampire.

and for her parents? they don't seem to care that she ran away. maybe they disowned her, maybe they're grateful she left, but it's not like she wants to know anyways.

she couldn't ask for a happier life after all she had gone through back at school and at home, haerin was given the time to heal and find true happiness, just how she wished. jungwon and her began dating that exact monday he came back to school, and he was seriously so romantic and sweet. she now understands that the things he did for her were a declaration of love for vampires.

"you're proud of nearly killing your girlfriend," she pointed at the two holes on her neck "and keeping her first fangs in a necklace?" haerin teased with a brow raised and arms crossed on her chest, finger pointing at the necklace around his neck which's only charm was a small hourglass that contained a baby fang that haerin lost when she first became a bloodsucker on each side. it was cute, definetly, but she has always teased him for it.

"if that means she's gonna stay with me forever, then yes." jungwon pulled her closer with a smile curving his lips as the girl broke into some cute giggles when he planted a sweet kiss on her cheek.

and for the first time in her life, haerin found her home : jungwon.

and for the first time in her life, haerin found her home : jungwon

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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now