three : exams

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it was the day their teachers would give them back their exams papers and well, haerin hasn't gotten proper sleep since the day she finished her exams

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it was the day their teachers would give them back their exams papers and well, haerin hasn't gotten proper sleep since the day she finished her exams

she didn't even sleep thirty minutes that night from how nervous she was. being the top student was a lot pressuring- even more than anyone can imagine

the constant whispers of people saying you probably got the highest score again without studying when you worked hard and still didn't get a nice grade, haerin can still remember people saying things about her behind her back the moment they saw the 6O/1OO on her paper

god, she cried so much that day

the teacher walked by each desk, placing the sheet of paper in front of the students and watching their disappointed faces, haerin began growing nervous.

although she wasn't able to look away when the teacher passed by yang jungwon, placing his test in front of him, the paper sheet spotless, only a red 100/100 written at the top of it, he didn't seem phased

haerin wondered how was it possible. ever since he told her to "leave him the fuck alone" she had never dared to speak to him again, she didn't know that would have been the last time she'd hear his voice

he lifted his eyes, feeling like someone was looking at him as haerin turned her head back to the front instantly, not wanting him to notice that she was staring at him since he told her to stay away from him

"ms.jang," the teacher set the paper on her desk, her features twisted in disappointment as she shakes her head slightly "you could have done way better if only you studied"

it was a 7O/1OO and her paper was full of red marks, right under the score was written you better study next time. the whispers have already started, and the judgemental and shocked stares of her classmates were killing her inside

her lower lip was trembling, her hands were shaking and her face was becoming as red as a tomato, her vision being blurred by the tears building up

"m-mrs.choi, may i go to the bathroom?" she raised her hand while her head hung low, her voice cracking and her eyes fluttering close to hold back any tear threatening to fall

"aww, the little class president is crying about her grades again?" a girl mocked her from the last row and someone's laugh followed her words.
"crybaby" the girl stood from her seat and slammed her hands on her desk, having enough of her classmates' jokes. she took a deep shaky breath and sniffed a bit before stroking a strand of hair behind her ear and turning to face them "i'm not a crybaby"

"oh please, you cry over nothing almost every day. your parents didn't give you enough attention when you were little for you to be such an attention seeker?" haerin had enough. she ran out of the classroom while the tears she held back the whole time were pooling in her eyes, still hearing her classmates' laughter behind her. she locked herself inside one of the bathroom stalls, sliding down and crouching in a corner before burying her face in her hands and bursting in tears while small sobs escaped her trembling lips

she felt so small and insignificant under their judgemental eyes, so worthless and weak because of their words. they weren't even right, she isn't a crybaby, she just had been trying to keep herself from falling apart for too long

it was too much, and it has been going on for too much

she doesn't know how much she can endure before she breaks completely

she doesn't know how much she can endure before she breaks completely

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uploading this while i'm at the beach 💀

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now