twenty-five : afraid

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sitting at a desk in the empty classroom doing her homeworks- or at least trying to do so, haerin endlessly clicked the top of her pen as she stared at her math homeworks like it's gonna be done just by looking at it while squeezing her brain to g...

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sitting at a desk in the empty classroom doing her homeworks- or at least trying to do so, haerin endlessly clicked the top of her pen as she stared at her math homeworks like it's gonna be done just by looking at it while squeezing her brain to get out something she learned in today's class. but it was all useless. no matter how much she focused, what happened at minji's birthday party replayed in her head over and over.

it was all so gentle to be one of her first kisses. she expected her first kiss, just like how she saw in movies, to be aggressive and feeling like they were eating eachother's faces. but jungwon was so sweet and gentle with her that it made her forget all those expectations she had regarding first kisses.

"struggling with our homeworks?" the class president was snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard his voice, cheeks heating up at the mere sight of him as flashbacks from the other night flood in her mind and her stomach feels like it's tied in a knot while her eyes follow his figure sitting at the desk beside hers. "y-yeah i can't quite understand anything." her heart did back flips when he suddenly and innocently leaned in to look at the question she was stuck at, leaving probably 1 inch between his lips and the corner of hers whilst her ears slowly painted crimson.

can he stop being so... just him? him is enough to make her go completely dumb because all she can think about is him.

"oh you're still stuck on question one.." the vampire chuckled before turning his head towards her direction to look at haerin who became as red as a rose. gosh, she's so embarassed now. "did you even pay attention, class president?" he teased her by nudging her shoulder softly and she just hit his arm while covering her almost magenta face in shame.

"j-just help me and shut up!" the class president mentally cursed herself for stuttering because of how flustered she's feeling right now. can he back out a little? her heart is gonna burst if he doesn't give their lips some space. jungwon placed a gentle peck on both corner of her lips before writing down the answers to all the questions and ignoring the tomato beside him that was panicking. "you look cute flustered."

someone please bury her alive. she wished she could be swallowed by the ground this exact moment.

"i have a question for you." haerin closed her notebook since won did her homeworks for her and faced him who was now sitting back on his chair while his eyes were glued on his phone's screen. he just hummed and nodded his head as a sign for her to go ahead, haerin now hesitating a bit since this question was so sudden and random, but curiosity is eating her alive. "did you ever kill someone?"

the inquire made him freeze as he felt his muscles tensing up, setting his phone aside before meeting eyes with her curious and innocent ones. "what do you mean?"

"like, did you ever kill someone to drink their blood?" he hesitated at her last ask, fidgeting with his index fingers as his teeth found his lower lip to chew on it uncertain. should he even answer that? he doesn't want to lose her because of a stupid thing like this.

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now