eleven : heartless

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tying her hair into a ponytail, haerin walked into the school's gym while scrolling through tiktok and drinking water from the transparent straw that comes with the bottle

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tying her hair into a ponytail, haerin walked into the school's gym while scrolling through tiktok and drinking water from the transparent straw that comes with the bottle

"oh look, it's the killer. . " danielle marsh eyed haerin from head to toe disgusted as the girl halted on her steps when she saw the yellow tape on the door of the changing room with 'police do not cross' written on it

"why are you dressed like that? coach lee didn't tell you practice is delayed for today?" she chuckled the moment the jang looked at her clothes confused, a laugh coming from the girls behind danielle

"dressed like what? these are my everyday clothes . . " the mean girl cracked up while a frown took over the other's face "oh i'm sorry i forgot, you don't have money to afford normal clothes" everyone giggled and haerin pressed her lips into a thin line ashamed, giving them her back to walk out of the gym since staying there was gonna do nothing but make her feel like shit

yet, the moment what felt like a carton of milk was thrown at her back and spilled all over her hair and shirt, she paused on her spot instantly

"vampire" danielle spoke, a smirk taking over her lips as the people behind her hold back a laugh "killer"

"i'm not a killer nor a vampire"

"oh please. why is there your DNA on the crime scene then? do you think we're stupid?" she picked up the strawberry milk carton from the ground and poured the remaining liquid on her head "hope jail's a nice place bloodsucker" she threw it on her face satisfied as the class president kept her eyes shut in shame, feeling humiliated and worthless again

this isn't new for her

"you're so heartless, aren't you? except for the fact that you are literally heartless, don't you feel insensitive for what you did? killing a girl just because she didn't suit right to you. pathetic" haerin's gaze fell to the ground embarrassed, taking the words by heart as after all, she didn't even feel a tiny bit sad that hanni died

but what can she say? hanni is the reason why she feels miserable every single day

"who are you calling pathetic?" the bully looked behind haerin as her smirk grew bigger and she tsked, crossing her arms over her chest while her brow raised

"it's not your business dude, just leave" jungwon chuckled unbelievably as he slowly walked up to her, a scowl curving on his lips as he imitated her and crossed his arms like her

"well her business is my business so, what's your problem with her?" his arm swung over her shoulder as haerin's eyes went bigger than the sky while looking at him shocked

"oh my god haerin you're so vulnerable that you can't even defend yourself? tch. weak" haerin lowered her head reflecting on what she said. she doesn't need anyone to stand up for her, especially jungwon

"weak? her? who's the one bullying innocent people just because she's unhappy with her life that she needs to see others falling apart completely just to not feel miserable every day? so tell me, who's the weak one here?" danielle's smirk dropped as her friends laugh at her shocked expression

"oh what happened? cat got your tongue?" she swallowed her saliva and stroked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously, worried that he was gonna expose her completely in front of her supposed friends who only like her cause she picks up on people who show their weaker side

"tsk. weak. just leave at this point, you're just embarrassing yourself more" she hesitated, not wanting to lose over someone like him this easily. even cause her "friends" will probably leave her after this and she'll be the bullied one instead of the bully

"go on, piss off" the marsh ran out of the gym humiliated, tears building in her eyes as the girls giggled at her

"hey, are you ok-" haerin violently removed his arm from her shoulder, glaring at him clearly angry that he stood up for her when she didn't need his help

"you stupid bloodsucker-! why would you do that?" jungwon looked at her dumbfounded, his brows crashing in confusion on why was she so mad when he saved her from the bullies

"because they were making fun of you-"

"i told you to leave me alone! and they wouldn't make fun of me if you didn't kill anyone! next time, think twice before murdering someone instead of just leaving all the consequences to others!" she walked away furious like she'd never been before while leaving behind a confused jungwon

"i told you to leave me alone! and they wouldn't make fun of me if you didn't kill anyone! next time, think twice before murdering someone instead of just leaving all the consequences to others!" she walked away furious like she'd never been befor...

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wrote this when i was at the beach :)

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now