twenty-eight : bad news

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haerin walked towards their class with a smile as she radiated a bright aura unlike her gloomy one she had the past weeks when her and jungwon didn't talk

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haerin walked towards their class with a smile as she radiated a bright aura unlike her gloomy one she had the past weeks when her and jungwon didn't talk. but her smile faded when she saw his desk empty as he was usually always there waiting for her and it looked like he lived in the school from how early he is.

she just brushed it off and told herself that he'll probably arrive later today.

but the first 3 hours passed, and his desk was still empty, even if multiple students tried sitting there as it's last row and it's really just perfect to do whatever you want without being noticed. she felt worried, worried that something could have happened and that he was gonna be absent for the rest of the school year. she heard about a few vampires being killed for simply being mythical creatures and not humans, but it couldn't possibly be that, right?

"did you hear the news this morning? apparently they're mass killing vampires, and the first ones will be the ones that murdered humans. i'm not surprised that the weird new boy isn't at school today." the girl stopped on her tracks as she made her way to the bathrooms to change for PE, the black bag in her hands nearly falling on the ground hearing minji's conversation with her friend.

there's no way that's true. not when they finally made up. she has heard her parents conversation one night she couldn't sleep and planned on making herself a camomile, but then her father, who works for the government, told her mother about how stressful the vampires situation was getting and that the government was planning to take action on this situation. but she never imagined taking action meant killing them all.

haerin ran to her locker, packing her stuff and grabbing her backpack before running out of the school. she doesn't care if she gets suspended or whatever, jungwon might be on the verge of death right now and it's all that matters.

as far as she knows, he lives in the underworld with his family, but it's off limits to humans and she doesn't know where it is anyway. she slid her phone out of her pocket with her trembling hands, looking for any information online about this whole thing to know where she should run to.

she was panicking, really hard, just at the mere thought of jungwon's lifeless body lying on the ground knowing she couldn't save him. her eyes were roaming all over the article trying to find any useful information, hands breaking in cold, trembling, sweats.

the forest. that's what it said. everything will happen in the forest so that it'll be easy to get rid of the dead bodies and it won't bother anyone.

she didn't hesitate and just started running towards the said place, gripping on her shoulder straps tightly and cold sweats on her forehead.

she sighed in relief after spotting him at the end of the infinite line of handcuffed vampires waiting to go through some kind of torture, a smile plastering on her lips as she was relieved that he was still some what alive. her arms wrapped around his waist from behind and before she could realize it, she had bursted into tears with face buried in the crook of his neck as her nose took in his shooting fragrance that she was gonna miss so much. "please don't leave me jungwon."

jungwon turned around with a sad smile on his lips, taking her hands in his and squeezing them in a comforting way. "don't cry hae, you're gonna be fine without me. i'm just a friend." she shook her head multiple times, chest jumping in hiccups as she only cried harder at his sentence. "but you're the only person that ever made me feel happy. you're not just a friend jungwon."

"i like you yang jungwon." haerin confessed with a sniff following her words, lower lip trembling and tears staining her cheeks uncontrollably. "i thought i had the time to tell you this since you're a vampire but i'm out of time now..."

a bloody tear rolled down his milky cheek, leaving behind a rosey line as it did so and he looked deeply into her eyes despite his blurred vision. "i like you too jang haerin. you're the only person i've ever liked and i'm 1800 years old." without even thinking about it, the class president let go of his hands and cupped his face before connecting their lips for the last time.

she'll miss this, the feeling of his lips on hers as he caressed her waist gently giving her butterflies. even just thinking about the fact that it's gonna end soon makes her cry.

but not everything lasts forever, right? that's why the guards noticed them and grabbed haerin's arms, lifting her from the ground and breaking the kiss without their will as they dragged her away.

jungwon simply waved at her, mouthing a "see you tomorrow at school hae" with a smile on his lips.

jungwon simply waved at her, mouthing a "see you tomorrow at school hae" with a smile on his lips

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the epilogue is next i'm so sad i don't want this story to end

+ screaming over jungwon

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now