twenty-six : jealousy, jealousy

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it's been a two weeks since that happened

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it's been a two weeks since that happened. it's been two weeks since haerin last talked to jungwon too. why would she even talk to him? just thinking about him makes her body shiver.

she can't even glance at him without feeling this light-hearted sensation of anxiety in her stomach. how could he kill not one but two relatively innocent girls just because haerin didn't sit right for them? he could have talked to them or warned them like he did with most of the school and she would have appreciated that (though haerin prefers being independent and standing up for herself), but killing two girls by sucking the life out of them? watching the light fade out of their eyes as they slowly and painfully die? she would never ask someone to do that kind of thing for her.

jungwon tried reaching out to her multiple times- almost to an obsessive point, simply because vampires fall in love once in their life and they can't live without that person. which sounds pretty ironic considering that vampires live forever. but staying away for too much from that person without knowing where they are can drive them crazy, to the point where they would fly to their house in the middle of the night and knock on their window.

and then they say romance is dead.

but nevertheless, haerin pretended to be sick multiple times these weeks because she was too scared to go out. and that caused jungwon to worry a lot about her after hearing from the students that she was sick, again, again, and again.

"hey, aren't you the girl that fucked in the bathroom with the new boy at kim minji's birthday party?" a girl around haerin's age, probably a year older, asked her with a genuine smile despite the uncomfortable question, as she sat beside her on the bench of the changing rooms in the gym while taking a sip of her kombucha.

the brunette stopped tying her shoe laces still bend down with hair covering her face, face painting red from embarassement. so that's what those girls in the bathroom at the time told everyone? it was nothing but them making out in the bathroom to have some privacy. she would never do that, especially right now, in a public space when she's not even the right age.

"fucked in the bathroom..? who said that..?" the raven pointed at another girl with shoulder-lenght black hair tied into a low ponytail and bangs, haerin remembering her face clearly from when they stopped on the entrance to look for a free stall. so she was the one that shouted that and talked shit about them?

"wait so you really did?" she covered her mouth shocked and haerin rapidly shook her head multiple times while doing the same with her hands, cheeks flushing pink in embarassement. "n-no no! i would never do that!" she unnsubconsciously let out a sigh of relief with a hand on her chest, receiving a glare from the class president who quickly grabbed her bag to escape this uncomfortable conversation.

the jang sighed after successfully running away from her teammate who seemed eager to get answers to all the rumors surrounding her and jungwon that everyone in the school (except for the two of them apparently) is aware about. the girl stared at the glass door right in front of the gym's entrance with hesitant eyes as she watched the dark grey evening sky anxiously. she is extremely scared of going out alone at night with vampires like him, but she doesn't wanna bother her driver at such hour just because she is scared.

she'll be fine. the school is near the bus stop so she'll be okay.

haerin nodded her head to reassure herself that everything is gonna be okay and she'll arrive home safely before she finally left the school after 13 hours of being inside that hell. but just when she thought everything was going smoothly and she almost walked out the school gate, two hands placed on her shoulders and slammed her back against the nearest wall, a scream leaving her mouth both because of the painful impact and out of fear.

her lips parted to scream for help, and just as if the aggressor understood what she wanted to do, he placed his smelly and bloody hand over her mouth which only made other muffled cries leave her mouth. he harshly tilted her neck to have full access to her neck and with the corner of her eyes, haerin saw them: two long and sharp fangs that were completely covered in blood.

tears started building up as her body began trembling uncontrollably as he got closer and closer to her neck until she could feel his hot breath on her skin with her eyes closed tightly in fear. well, that's it? that's the end of her life? she never imagined she would die so young, especially by the hands of a vampire.

just as she was preparing herself for the atrocious pain she was about to experience, a loud thud made her shot her eyes open and they landed on his tall figure on the ground, the moonlight lighting his face to give him a glimpse of his identity. kim sunoo? the boy that sold a rabbit carcass to jungwon? the same boy that stood for her in front of the bullies? and how was he laying on the ground if there was no one?

sunoo was hovered by a familiar silhouette and continously punched on his face until he passed out there on the ground. haerin wanted to run away, so badly acturally, but no matter how hard she tried, her legs only trembled like jellies. as if her feet were glued to the ground.

"haerin," the boy called her name ever so softly, like he didn't just beat the shit out of sunoo, as his gaze softened the moment his head turned towards her, eyes slowly losing their dark red color and fangs sliding back in his gums while he hurriedly rushed to check if she has any scratch or injury. "are you okay? are you hurt?" jungwon raised her arms and spun her around gently to get a glimpse of any wound, worried that sunoo could have hurted the love of his life.

"p-please leave me alone!" she ran away with a shaky voice and tears pooling in her eyes, leaving jungwon there worried and dumbfounded.

"p-please leave me alone!" she ran away with a shaky voice and tears pooling in her eyes, leaving jungwon there worried and dumbfounded

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2 chapters left omg

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now