fourteen : rant

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it has been a month or so since pham hanni passed away

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it has been a month or so since pham hanni passed away. and everyone in the school was devastated by this. haerin is probably the only one who doesn't feel that way

maybe, haerin was the only person hanni wasn't nice to. maybe, hanni was an angel with others but a little devil when it came to her

or maybe, hanni was just really good at acting

nevertheless, haerin felt like she had to attend her funeral even if she is the reason why she's the target of their school. no matter what hanni did to her, she doesn't think she deserved to die, especially in such a cruel way

after all, she was still a human

yet the moment she stepped inside the church, all the eyes were on her. did i forgot to mention it? everyone is sure she's the killer based on some stupid rumors danielle started. just cause she was on the crime scene and because hanni "simply gave her the treatment she deserved"

so going to school hasn't been that easy for her

she let out a small sigh and looked down, fixing her black skirt and gazing at her feet to avoid any type of eye contact with anyone inside

"who invited this girl to my daughter's funeral? i thought i was clear about not wanting the killer anywhere near me" hanni's mother stared at the girl with a mix of disgust and rage as she walked up to her with her assistant chasing her

"i think there's a mistake ma'am. jang haerin was not underlined as not to invite" her assistant showed her something on her ipad as mrs.pham's features twisted into anger and annoyance

"you had one job chaejin. how could you even fail-"

"n-no no it's okay, i'll just leave . . i-i'm so sorry mrs.pham . . . " the raven quickly escaped the judgemental gazes and walked out, sitting on the church's stairs and burying her face in her hands frustrated

"god i'm so stupid! why would i even think showing up was a good idea? ugh stupid!" she started hitting her head while cursing herself for her decisions, why would she think coming here was a good idea if everyone hates her?

"hey hey, what are you doing?" jungwon quickly wrapped his slim fingers around her wrist and held her arm back from whacking her head again as she opened her eyes and looked up disappointed

"not your business jungwon" she started moving her arm around to free herself from his grip but it was no use. she's too weak right now and he's just too strong for her

"well you are hurting yourself so as a friend, it's my business too" he sat beside her and turned his head towards her direction, examining her face for a minute before finally understanding everything

"what's bothering you?" he asked, using a rather softer tone instead of his usual cold and deeper one, slightly caressing the back of her wrist with his index finger softly

she faced him confused as her brows crashed, hiding her shock behind a confused expression since she couldn't comprehend just how could he understand something was wrong

"nothing's bothering me"

"i can see it in your eyes" haerin pursed her lips into a thin line and breathed out heavily before letting her gaze fall to the ground. can she trust him? after she ranted to a girl about her problems and she told everyone, she feels like she can't trust anyone

"it's just that . . . everyone is so sad about hanni's death but, i don't feel anything about it. and this is making me think that it's bad. that i should feel any kind of bad emotion"

"and now everyone's quitting the volleyball team for her and i'm the only one left so the whole school thinks i killed her when i wouldn't even kill a stupid fly!" the girl buried her face in her hands and closed her eyes shut to push back all the tears building up

"it's wrong . . i-i'm heartless . . how can i not be sad when my classmate died? i-i'm the worst person ever and everyone hates me. . " haerin bursted into tears while jungwon instantly wrapped his arm around her shoulder while caressing it softly

"i'm a monster and now you probably hate me too. i-i'm sorry jungwon" she managed to say between her silent sobs whilst wiping away her crystal tears with the back of her hand

"i don't hate you."

"and i don't see why should i. i know you didn't kill her haerin" haerin looked at him with her blurry vision as her lips slightly curved into a small smile. for the first time in years, someone told her they don't hate her


"yeah. also, i'm not sad about hanni's death too. after all she did to you it's the least to not be devasted about what happened haerin. you're not a monster, you're quite the opposite actually" the raven let go of her wrist and intertwined their fingers gently while a small smile takes over his lips before his other thumb wiped away the tears from her cheek

"aw, the little crybaby is being comforted by her weird boyfriend? sorry for interrupting your lovely moment" danielle chuckled as the two looked at her one annoyed and the other anxious, jungwon rolling his eyes at her

"why can't you just stop bothering her? she did nothing to you-" haerin tapped the back of his hand with her finger before shaking her head, telling him to let her since standing up for her will only worsen the situation

"just leave us the fuck alone, will you? why don't you go inside to remember that stupid friend of yours? i'm sure you're gonna see her really soon"

"just leave us the fuck alone, will you? why don't you go inside to remember that stupid friend of yours? i'm sure you're gonna see her really soon"

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