thirteen : stay away from her

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"good morning haerin" jungwon greeted the girl who was sitting at her desk revising for an exam as he passed by her table and placed something on it

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"good morning haerin" jungwon greeted the girl who was sitting at her desk revising for an exam as he passed by her table and placed something on it

haerin stared at it for a good minute before recognizing the familiar chocolate and biscuits snack from the vending machine she usually gets her breakfast from, because her parents are "too busy" to simply prepare it for her

"what is this" she turned on her seat and looked at him with a poker face while pointing at the small cake he got for her "a gift for you so you can forgive me for what happened last week" he smiled cheekily for a few seconds before putting back on his cold expression again

that was so . . cringe

but haerin didn't found that cringe at all, she rather found it . . . adorable? she has never seen him smiling even slightly before so it was definitely a new sight for her eyes.

an adorable sight

she snapped back to her senses and shook her head. him? adorable? after what she witnessed yesterday he is everything but adorable

"you seriously think a snack will make me forgive you? why don't you bring back to life hanni? i'll forgive you if you do so"

he chuckled unbelievably shaking his head, placing his bag on his lap before making eye contact with her "would you like her to torment you forever? the only way i can bring her back to life is by biting her" she hesitated for a second as her lips parted slightly, wanting to be very careful with her words and not saying any kind of bullshit as her eyes follow every little action he does

"well at least, danielle wouldn't bully me because she thinks i killed hanni. why don't you just tell everyone you killed her so i can get a break for all the bullying?"

jungwon froze the moment he heard the first sentence. danielle still has the balls to bully others after the way she embarrassed herself last week? well technically, she does not have balls at all

"danielle is still bullying you huh?" he poked his inner cheek with his tongue amazed, surprised at the fact that these bullies have no shame at all

just how miserable is their life at this point? he knows mean girls don't exist, they're just girls who are too unhappy with their own lives so they feel better only by dragging other people down

they're simply the pathetic ones, not the victims

"yeah, whatever, i'm used to it anyways. also," she stood from her chair and approached his desk, placing the snack on it before looking at him straight in the eyes "your stupid snacks will fix nothing, jungwon. try harder next time" she cheekily smiled sarcastically and walked away satisfied, a smirk creeping on her lips as she replayed the moment a stunned look took over his features

he was definitely not expecting the quiet class president that tried to befriend him a few months ago to act this way

but he liked it- no, scratch that, he loved it with his whole dead heart

he loved the way his name perfectly escaped her lips with that gracious yet low voice of hers as a strand of hair caressed her face lightly with the others stroked behind her ear, exposing her bare neck-

jungwon mentally slapped himself. he shouldn't let these kinds of thoughts get over his mind nor should he think these things about a mere human. they're useless anyways

"try harder like what?"

"if you really want me to forgive you, find it out yourself"

"if you really want me to forgive you, find it out yourself"

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haven't updated in so long omg i'm so sorry

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now