fifteen : jealous? never.

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placing her tray on the canteen's table quietly, haerin placed her backpack on the chair beside her and sat down, hearing her stomach grumble despite the earphones in her ears with music blasting at full volume

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placing her tray on the canteen's table quietly, haerin placed her backpack on the chair beside her and sat down, hearing her stomach grumble despite the earphones in her ears with music blasting at full volume

she took her phone out of her bag before grabbing her chopsticks and clasping a piece of food between the latter, holding it mid-air as she got distracted by her phone

but the moment milk was poured all over her lunch, her phone was the last thing that got her attention

"oops, sorry, it slipped out of my hand" danielle smiled sarcastically and tossed the bottle on her lap as a few milk stains ruined her black skirt again, haerin just stared at the mess she made with her lips slightly parted in shock

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" haerin shouted as she stood from her seat angry, the students gasping loudly since haerin never talked back to anyone who bullied her but just quietly suffered

not like they cared about her anyway

"excuse you? how dare you talk back to me?" she snatched haerin's bottle from her tray and twisted the cap open, pouring all the chocolate milk on her hair as everyone started laughing after she threw the container on her head

the girl just stood there, unable to process what just happened and completely ignoring the loud giggles echoing in the whole cafeteria

"what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" a boy, out of nowhere, walked up to her table and yelled at danielle as she just chuckled and crossed her arms, finding him ridiculous

"who even are you now? you're cheating on that weirdo boyfriend of yours haerin?" the bully laughed at her while a droplet of milk rolled down to the tip of her nose and she swore, she could just break down in tears right there in that instant

"why can't you just shut that disgusting mouth of yours instead? just go sleep on a highway instead of bullying people to not feel miserable" the brunette rolled his eyes at the other girl and moved toward her but she immediately took her bag and ran to the restroom while bursting into tears

she felt humiliated and pathetic once again. but obviously, this isn't new for her

"haerin wait!" the boy caught up with her and stopped in front of the restroom's door panting, placing his hands on his knees while breathing heavily and dropping his gaze to the ground

"leave! i don't even know you!" haerin locked herself in a bathroom stall, sitting on the ground and hiding her face on her lap, wrapping her fingers around her ankles and letting tears roll down her pearl-like cheeks

"i-i know you don't know me haerin, but i know you. i just wanted to stand up for you. i'm sunoo by the way"

"well, i never asked you to do so! i don't need help, especially from a stranger. leave me alone!" she yelled at him as her voice cracked, wiping a tear away with the back of her shaky hands, watching how his insecure feet moved as he contemplated whether he should leave or not

"sunoo-hyung?" haerin froze as she heard jungwon's voice a few meters away from where she was, flashbacks of that night at school coming back to her mind

sunoo was the guy he was buying illegal things from. but it couldn't possibly be him, right? no, this guy and that guy look nothing alike

"what the hell are you doing at my school? i thought we already talked about when to meet up" as the guy's feet turned towards his direction, a sob accidentally escaped her lips as she slapped a hand over her mouth

"well, i actually moved here for this semester because i'm interested in the girl you told me about"

"haerin? why her?"

"why do you care? are you jealous?" she heard a small tsk coming from jungwon followed by an amused chuckle "jealous? never."

"is it bad that i want to protect a friend? you know, people like you can never be trusted"

"sure, jungwon, you can just tell me if you wanna be the one to bite her you know? i have plenty of girls i can choose" haerin's brows crashed in confusion but then they raised after she repeated the sentence in her head

you can just tell me if you wanna be the one to bite her you know?

bite her? hell no

haerin is not gonna let that happen

"just shut the fuck up or you'll lose a client and a friend"

"just shut the fuck up or you'll lose a client and a friend"

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someone asked for an update so here you go

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now