eighteen : would never hurt you

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quickly collecting her things from the changing room, haerin stuffed everything inside her bag rapidly before silently running out of the gym and swinging a shoulder strap over her shoulder

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quickly collecting her things from the changing room, haerin stuffed everything inside her bag rapidly before silently running out of the gym and swinging a shoulder strap over her shoulder

she had to be quick but she had to make sure she wasn't making a single sound

she arrived in front of the lockers panting after running up 3 floors of stairs, spotting with her cat-like eyes the familiar figure she was looking for in front of his locker with the usual bottle in his hands that, that night, was oddly shining under the moonlight

she slowly unzipped her bag and took out a small bat, setting her backpack on the floor before taking a few quiet steps closer to him, raising the bat in the air and hitting his head hard enough to make him faint as his unconscious body fell on the ground

she smiled satisfied and threw the bat on the floor, crouching down and grabbing both of his arms before dragging him to the nearest classroom and tying him to a chair

don't get her wrong, she isn't a psycho or anything like that. she has just gathered enough proofs by following him around for some months. she was just pretending all along. she isn't that weak and stupid to open up to a boy, him especially

she noticed his strange behaviors. and after that night he caught him buying from what he called "the black market", she can't trust him that much

she knows he did something, she just needs to hear it coming from his own mouth


jungwon opened his eyes to nothing but pitch black, and as he tried to move his arm he realized, he's tied to a chair. but instead of being scared or anything, he just let out a small laugh "fantastic job haerin. you're sure quick-witted" haerin gulped her saliva and stood from the corner she was hiding in, grasping the bat tightly "how do you know i'm here"

"i can smell your fear"

"i'm not scared" he laughed again, looking straight at her despite the pitch black in the room "you're scared to the bone, darling" i would be lying if i said that haerin wasn't scared, not even a tiny bit. actually, she was scared with her whole being but she was just trying to hide it

"if i was you i wouldn't play around, i can still make you pass out if you don't stop" she pulled the curtains string as they all went up, letting the moonlight illuminate the classroom as jungwon squinted his eyes and looked away as the sudden brightness hurt his eyes

"now, what the hell were you doing that night in the student council meeting room with a dude and a dead rabbit?" the girl interrogated him with a serious look, walking up to him whilst holding the bat tightly with both hands in case he uses some kind of black vampire magic to free himself

"i was buying food. they don't sell rabbit carcasses over the counter anymore"

"then why buy humans' blood?" he laughed lightly as he lowered his head for a second before raising it and making eye contact with her, a smirk making its way to his lips "you really think vampires don't feed off humans anymore?"

she bit her lower lip, thinking for a minute about everything that's been happening lately. murders, weird creatures being seen at night, and all the victims having two holes in their necks: connecting the dots, it does seem like vampires are back on drinking humans' blood

for centuries, no one ever heard about one of them drinking blood after the 1600s. those who believed they existed, said they survived even with animals' blood. specifically, rabbits' blood

"then you must be the one who.. killed pham hanni?"

"if you are just like every other vampire... you must need to survive by killing us too?"

"that's why you murdered pham hanni?" once again, he cackled a bit before shaking his head while the smirk on his lips grew bigger, tsking "so, you think, all vampires are the same? you really think everyone is into that killing shit?"

"as much as she was a psychopath and i hated her, i would never kill her." haerin stared into his eyes for a minute, making eye contact with him while trying to find a hint of lies. usually, if you're lying, you can't keep eye contact but won was staring right into her soul with a straight face

"how do i know you're not lying?"

"untie me"

"so that you can hurt me? never?"

"haerin," her name escaped his lips in a delicate tone, keeping his voice deep and calm "you know i would never hurt you" he told her while the moonlight caressed his elegant features, making his red eyes shine attractively and a soft smile taking over his pink-ish lips

she took a step closer, slowly untangling the cords and letting them fall on the floor. something about the way her name left his lips unknowingly made her give in

jungwon stood from the chair and started walking toward haerin as she took a step back until her back hit the wall, pinning her there, taking her hand and placing it on his chest. she looked at him confused but hid that confusion behind a scared expression, the black haired boy stared into her hazel eyes "i did not kill pham hanni"

his heartbeat. it was stable and fine. he was not lying. if he was lying, his heartbeat would accelerate but his was completely normal

his gaze then fell on her lips as he licked his before placing a hand on her cheek, raising her head and leaning in for a kiss

her eyes almost popped out of her eye socket and the bat fell from her hands in shock as the loud bang echoed through the room, but soon after, she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his nape

it felt magical yet it was so new to her. giving her first kiss to the creature she hated the most, how hilarious

wait, she is kissing a vampire? realization hit her like a truck as she pushed him and grabbed her things from the floor before running away

what a weird feeling inside her tummy

almost finished writing this story so i'm gonna start updating more often

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almost finished writing this story so i'm gonna start updating more often

𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now