two : stay away from him

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"come on haerin hurry up! the bubble tea shop will close soon!" minji whined while watching haerin's silhouette running to her classroom as she groans, leaning on the nearest wall and getting ready to wait as she usually takes a lot to find anything

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"come on haerin hurry up! the bubble tea shop will close soon!" minji whined while watching haerin's silhouette running to her classroom as she groans, leaning on the nearest wall and getting ready to wait as she usually takes a lot to find anything

"i'll be quick! just forgot my textbook on my desk!" she twisted the doorknob and looked around to see her textbook anywhere since usually her classmates move her things around to prank her

she spotted it stuck between two desks last row, rolling her eyes knowing who it was and because it's gonna take so long since they probably glued it on one of the desks

just as she was about to take a step closer, she noticed the new boy still sitting at his desk with his earphones stuffed in his ears drawing on his notebook and flinched

"why are you still here? school's over for today" haerin asked him confused, clearly not seeing any reason why he should still be sitting at his desk when their school is about to close and he's there drawing like it's nothing

"not your business" he didn't even minded to raise his head and look at her while the girl's eyebrows raised in amusement at how rude and cold he is

"chill dude, i was just asking. what's your name?" the class president crouched down and moved one of the desks after setting her bag on the floor, expecting the book to stay on the other but it fell flat on the ground as she flinched again while the boy didn't moved a muscle

"jungwon" she picked it up and stood from the floor, holding the book between her chest and her arm before tapping her skirt lightly to remove any kind of dirt and outstretching her hand for a handshake with a cheeky smile

"nice to meet you jungwon, i'm jang haerin, the class president" yang jungwon looked at her hand and then straight in her eyes, removing one of his earphones and letting it fall down "i don't like touching people" his gaze fell back on his notebook as his pencil started moving up and down again

she bit her lower lip, withdrawing her hand and nodding lightly embarrassed. she peeked on his notebook, trying to find anything to talk about to feel less embarrassed

"what are you drawing?-" jungwon covered his notebook and fluttered his eyes closed, his hand forming into a fist. haerin's brows crashed a bit and her lips formed into a small pout, just wanting to socialize with him

"look, for your own good, stay away from me. this is a warning, leave me the fuck alone" the girl's lips parted slightly but soon they met into a thin line as she nods her head lightly, pushing few strands of hair behind her shoulder and fixing her cardigan

"i get it, i'll leave you alone then" she smiled a bit and bowed, still wanting to be polite to him while the boy just watches her with lifeless eyes uninteressed as she swung her bag over shoulder

"i'm sorry if i disturbed you, nice to meet you again jungwon" the raven smiled again and waved her hand at him a little, giving him her back and walking towards the door disappointed and at the same time offended that he was so rude and cold to her for no reason

"god what took you so long? i just wanted some bubble tea!" minji complained, grabbing her wrist as soon as she got out of the classroom and dragging her to the exit annoyed, not even trying to look at her in the face to notice she is clearly not in the mood

god, just what does he have that others don't have? she has never felt so small in all her life

god, just what does he have that others don't have? she has never felt so small in all her life

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𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛, 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now