You Were The Last Good Thing In This Part Of Town - Andy Imagine #1

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"(Y/N), We're moving to {insert place really far from where you live}"

Your Dad's words stuck to you like your now damp clothes. You were moving. As soon as you were told you bolted out of you house into the pouring rain.

And now you didn't know where to go.

You were leaving behind so much, your friends, your memories, you loved {insert the name if your town}. You grew up here.

Now you were aimlessly walking through the streets, getting more soaked each second. You knew you'd get sick, but you didn't care, you were having to leave behind your home, your life, your everything.

Down the road you saw a single pair of glowing headlights speeding down the slippery road. As it got closer to you it jolted to a stop right next to you and the door swung open.

"(Y/N)!" You looked at the car to see the thing, the person that you cared most about leaving, Andy. (Y/N), get in the car!" He yelled to you and you silently obliged, stepping in the car and sitting on the passenger seat with a 'ploosh' sound.

"Andy I'm gonna ruin your seats" You told him staring down at your worn out pair of converse.

"All I care about is why, your dad called me saying you ran out of the house, and why I found you wandering the streets." He said placing his warm, dry hand on your freezing, damp clothes.

"A-Andy" You were now crying, the tears pouring out of your eyes like waterfalls. He pulled you from your seat and onto his lap where he hugged you to his chest.

"Shhhh, It's okay, you can tell me anything Sunshine." Andy comforted you, slowly rocking you.

"A-Andy, I'm moving" You whispered barely audible. But you know he heard it because you felt him tense up.

"To where?" He asked, you could tell he was now sad, almost depressed sad already and you just told him.

"{insert place really far from where you live}" You told him, burying your face in his neck. You two were only friends but this wasn't weird, you two cuddled all the time. You both did have crushes on each other, but neither of you two knew.

Soon enough you fell asleep in Andy's arms clutching onto his t-shirt. He looked down at you sadly and sighed. Moving a strand of your damp hair out of your face he whispered,

"(Y/N) you were the last good thing about this part of town"


May 1 2015

Well that was depressing

But 2 updates in one day, one hour actually, but still woo!

Tomorrow I might not get a chapter up because I have work, but I'll try my best for you guys!

Goodbye my {insert nationality} beauties

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