***REQUESTED*** "Sick" - Pete Imagine #Still Too Lazy To Check Imagine Numbers

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***Finally got this done. And yes I'm aware you dyed your hair blue :) You're a pediatrician in this. Honestly not sure if I should trust you as a doctor or not...

Now let's get this imagine started for the bluenette beauty***

Julia's P.O.V.

"They're back. again" (Y/F/N) said pointing towards one of the examination rooms. Her tone held annoyance and she made it known she was rolling her eyes.

"Oh I'll take care of them" I nodded and made my way into the childishly decorated examination room. On the sea green, paper cover cot sat a blonde 7 year old bouncing over excitedly. "Bronx this is the third time you've come in this week, what's wrong this time" I asked a with a slight laugh making the boy's head shoot up to look up at me.

"I have a really bad tummy ache this time miss Julia" He answered with a grin spreading across his face as he saw me enter the room.

"Oh really now, you seem to be bouncing around just fine" I told him my laugh making another appearance as he stopped bouncing. "Are you gonna tell what's up? The truth this time" I sked crouching in front of him.

"I like your hair! It's pretty color!" He said trying to change the subject.

"Thank you Bronx, but since we're changing the subject, where's Daddy Wentz?" I asked him as he quickly pointed to the bathroom door across the hall. 

"He told me not to tell you but, daddy tells me to fake being sick so he can come and visit you. He says your pretty and you smell like flowers. He heard you were dying your hair so he dyed his too! But his isn't as pretty as yours, or is one color..." Bronx told me truthfully, and as cliche as it sounds, exactly after he said that, the toilet flushed and the bathroom door opened to see Pete.

"Oh Julia! thanks for seeing Bronx on such a short notice, nice hair by the way." Pete said frantically, scurrying into the room.

"Yes you guys have had my schedule packed this week. Thank you, I like yours too!" I said pointing to his two toned hair. He nodded quickly and smiled as he sat down on the black, rolling stool. "Well what I advise is some Motrin, and a date from you." I said pointing towards Pete with a cheesy smile on my face. Confusion danced on his face until his line of sight landed on Bronx.

"You told her didn't you?" He asked as Bronx jumped off the cot and hid behind my leg.

"I'll see you Saturday night, meet me at the pizza place down the street." I told him before turning to leave the room.

"Wait, your not gonna give me your number."  He asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

"I'd write it on you arm, but I'm a doctor and against ink poisoning. Plus I'm not touching you since you didn't was your hands" I replied before strutting out the room and down the hall to my next patient.


July 13 2015

Hope you liked it hun!

Oh btw guys I broke my iPod... well the screen shattered. My dad's cat batted it off the table and half the screen it cracked

Fun... but I'm gonna get it fixed!

Goodbye my {insert nationality} beauties

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