Storms - Joe Imagine #I GIVE ON THE DAMN NUMBERS

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You stood in front of the window, a cup of tea in the grasp of both your hands, frowning at the scene outside the window.

It was storming. Sheets of rain came down at the speed of light and tried to enter the room but hit the clear window with a sound similar to the sound of pebbles being thrown against the window. Every so often a shocking clap of thunder came down like a judge banging a gavel. Then it would be followed by single bolt of lightning like a single stroke of a paintbrush.

You and Joe had planned to go out today, but obviously that wasn't going to happen. You took a sip out of the cream coloured coffee cup, the hot tea non painfully slid down your throat, and dropped into your stomach leaving a warm fuzzing feeling go through you. You sighed peacefully yet disappointedly.

"What's the matter babe?" Joe asked making his way behind you. He rested his hand on the small of your back and followed your gaze out the window, where sheets of rain came down like there was no tomorrow.

"We were supposed to go out today" You frowned and laid your head back onto his chest, your eyes trained on the window following to raindrop that sped down it as if it was a race. Before one reached the bottom you blinked and missed which one one, causing you to frown even more, disappointed even more for no reason.

"We can always have a day inside" Joe suggested leaving a single kiss on the top of your head. You sighed again and nodded. Even though you had just woke up not even an hour ago and you were drinking a caffeinated drink, the effects of the dreary rain seemed to cast a spell over you making your eyes feel heavy and your body feel light. "Tired?" He asked. You nodded once again and turned around so your face was buried in his chest. He chuckled and wrapped one arm around you and took a sip from his own cup.

"Can we just cuddle and watch movies today?" You asked, your tired voice muffled by the fabric of his t-shirt.

"We can do whatever you want." By the tone if his voice you could tell he was smiling like a doofus. Pulling your face from his chest, you looked up and shared a short but sweet kiss with your boyfriend. You smiled and broke away to go make popcorn.

"You can chose the movie" You called to him from the kitchen as the popcorn cooked in the microwave, a wave of popping, similar to a crowd clapping, erupted from it. The microwaved dinged like a bell signalling the popcorn was finished, you opened the bag and dumped the successfully non burned popcorn into a bowl and walked out into the living room where Joe sat on the couch, his coffee cup in one hand and the TV remote in the other. The TV screen had the menu up of a movie you didn't recognise.

You say next to Joe and cuddled up to his side. You draped a blanket over both of your laps before placing the bowl of popcorn between the two of you. Joe pressed the 'select' button causing the movie to start, he leaned forward to place the remote on the coffee table he had his feet propped up on, before leaning back and letting out a fake yawn and cheesily wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"That's so cheesy Joe, oh my god." You giggled at his adolescent teen 'move' on you.

"I only try" You laughed along with you, smiling like the doofus he was. "I'm sorry we couldn't go out today." He apologised after the two of you calmed down.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. Unless your not telling me something and your Mother Nature" You said raising one of your eyebrows and shifted your gaze up to him.

"I'm totally Mother Nature. I decided to make it storm today so you'd stay inside and cuddle with me." Joe laughed maniacally, looking down at you.

"Woah there Satan. That's a little to punk for me"


May 27 2015

So I was grounded again yesterday
I've managed to get myself ground 3 time in the last week in a half.

I feel like my best writing is when I write about storms. Even though I'm terrified if thunder and lightning. Like I cry because if it. >~<

I still don't understand tumblr that much
I'm doing better but not by much

And I really need to check stardom 0.0

Goodbye my {insert nationality} beauties

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