Babysitting - Pete Imagine #2

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Pete Pete The Sheep :
Hey Babe, I need to cancel are date, I'm stuck watching Bronx :/

Your phone beeped as you received a text from Pete. Of course you were sad about him cancelling your date, but you kinda weren't ready. Kinda meaning, not ready at all. You quickly sent a reply of 'ok' with one of the sad emojis.

Pete Pete The Sheep :
I kinda need some help with Bronx.... Think you can come over?

You received another text from Pete. You giggled on how a grown man can't take care of a 6 year old. ((At least I think he's 6...))

I'm not even gonna ask why you can't take care of 6 year old, Pete
But I'll be there in 5

You grabbed one of your coats, purposely grabbing the long black one because you wanted to be dressed Jet Pack Blues style. You hurried to your small car and drove a couple of blocks to Pete's big ass house.

After parking your car next to one of Pete's big fancy sports cars, you took the key out from under the mat and unlocked the door.

Stepping inside, you noticed glitter. Glitter everywhere. Out of the corner if you eye you saw Pete sitting in the ground, his back ip against a wall full of scribbled drawing. Walking up to your boyfriend to realise he was tied up, and covered in glitter and more drawing all over his face in marker.

"Oh my god Pete." You stood in front of him laughing your ass off, and taking your phone out snapping a couple of your boyfriend completely helpless.

"I may have let Bronx watch Zombieland... And he thought I was a zombie. And he's now looking for twinkies..." Pete said looking down as you laughed ever harder.

"But why the glitter?" You asked waving you hand around pointing at all the glitter that littered Pete, and his house.

"It's his 'zombie repellent'" Pete explained as you untied him. Then Bronx ran in.

"YAY (Y/N) HERE TO SAVE ME FROM THE ZOMBIES!" He cheered running over to you and hugging your legs. "Your gonna need some repellent." He told you holding up a half empty container of glitter.

"How about we not use glitter as repellent, Bronx" You told him taking the container away and putting it on a shelf far out of his reach. "And why not I set up a bath for you and I clean this up while daddy gives you a bath, okay?" You said crouching down to the little boy's level.

"But daddy's a zombie!" Bronx cried pointing at Pete. You stood up and gave Pete a kiss, leaving him confused before you crouched down to Bronx's level.

"My kisses contain the zombie cure, so daddy's all better." You smiled as you picked him up and walked to the bathroom where you turned on the warm water in the bathtub and filled it with bubbles.

"Thanks for the help (Y/N)" Pete laughed as you were leaving the bathroom so Pete could give Bronx his bath while you cleaned.

"No problem, and Pete," You smiled stopping to point at Bronx happily putting his toys in the bath. "That's how you fucking babysit"


May 11 2015

That was fun to write, it was actually based off a dream I had, and I had to include Zombieland bc that's like the best movie EVER

and Pete in that picture though
Like wtf is he wearing

I got my first request! That'll be up tomorrow or Wednesday btw

Oh I might start making imagines a little shorter because it takes me a while to write them, and I have so many stories to catch up on here, 48 videos to watch on YouTube, I really meed to check vine, and I run a full time follow back account on Quotev, so yeah...

Goodbye my {insert nationality} beauties

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