And 4 Makes A Family, Well... Technically 6 Does - Pete Imagine 1 (FINALE)

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"(Y/N)! I'M HOOOOME" Pete yelled slamming the door shut.

"Welcome h- Pete what the hell is that?" You asked referring to the dog he was holding in his arms.

"It's a dog babe!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Hwi mwy nwame wis Hwemingway!" Pete said in a baby voice, holding the dog in front of his face waving his paw at you. You giggled as Pete put Hemingway on the ground, and he trotted over to you and jumped up putting his paws on your stomach. Pete scooped up the dog as you put your hand protectively over your stomach. "You can't do that buddy or she'll pop." He said placing the dog back on the ground.

"Looks like 3 makes a family" You laughed waddling into the living room.

.:Me Timeskip brought to you by the company you buy Hemingway's dog too from:.

It was about 1:00 in the morning, and you were in the kitchen, making a sandwich. Hemingway sat at your feet intensely staring at the food as if he could make a piece of sliced ham fall to the floor for himself.

"(Y/N)? Why are you up?" Pete stumbled in the kitchen looking like he had just risen from the dead, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your swollen waist, resting his head on your shoulder tiredly.

"Food!" You exclaimed happily, holding up your masterpiece of a ham and cheese sandwich to him. "Why are you up?" You questioned him, taking a bite from the corner of your sandwich.

"I heard a lot of commotion down here, and realized you weren't in bed so I decided to check it out." He replied glaring at your sandwich, and you allowed him to take a bite of it.

"Oops" You giggled, wiggling out of Pete's grasp and over to the fridge to get a drink. You bent down to grab a water bottle from the cripser. ((I don't know if any if your guys family's do that, but mine does)) As you stood back up there was a splashing sound and you felt something warm running down your leg. You looked down to discover your water had broken. "Double oops" You said placing your water bottle on the counter.

"Hey babe what wa- OH MY GOD I'LL GET THE OVERNIGHT BAG!" Pete yelled discovering you holding your stomach and the puddle on the floor. He disappeared up the stairs like a lightning and returned down with your bag and his car keys just as fast. He hushed you to the car and sped off towards the hospital.

"Pete, what about Hemingway? We need someone to take care of him!" You exclaimed holding onto your seat as Pete sped down the street.

"Call Patrick or someone" Pete pretty much yelled as he just missed the red light. You put your hand on his arm, signaling to slow down, and he obeyed. You took out your phone and quickly dialed Patrick's number. After the third ring he picked up.

"Hey Patrick, it's (Y/N). I can't really talk right now, we're on our way to the hospital, but I need you to watch Hemingway for Pete and I, the key is under the mat. Thanks your the best! Bye!" You told Patrick over the phone, not even waiting for his response since you knew he would do it for you guys especially since he now knew you were in labor. Pete took a sharp turn into the hospital parking lot and rushed you out of the car and into the building.

"I NEED A DOCTOR! MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN LABOR!" Pete yelled at the secretary at the front desk.

"Pete calm down, it's not like I'- ohhh here come the contractions." You groaned clutching your stomach in your hands. A nurse hurried over with a wheelchair and helped you sit down in it, and wheeled you off to a room with Pete trailing behind you.

.:Another Timeskip brought to you by Patrick's dog sitting service:.

You laid in the hospital bed, after 4 hours of contractions you were finally about to give birth. You had your legs propped up in some sort of weird position. ((I had to loo that up tbh)) Pete stood next to you in scrubs holding your hand as the contractions happened closer to each other.

"Okay miss (L/N), we need you to push at the count of three." The doctor told you and you nodded as Pete gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "3... 2.... 1" the doctor counted down as you pushed. "Okay, you're doing great, another big push" You did as told, squeezing the life out of Pete through his hand as you did. "Okay, I can see the head! One more big push and we're done!" The doctor exclaimed as you used the rest of your energy in one more push, letting out a blood curtailing scream as you did.

All of the sudden it felt like the world stopped as the doctors removed your baby from you, and her the baby wail as it entered the world, using it's lungs for the first time. "Congratulation! It's a boy!" The doctor beamed as she held out a small life like object out to Pete. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Mr. Wentz?" ((Totally had to look it up that they let the dad do that too)) Pete nodded as he cut the final tie you had with your new baby boy. The doctor handed you your baby, wrapped in a small rag type cloth, still bloody, for a moment as they got everything situated for cleaning him up.

"Hi baby, I'm your mommy." You cooed to your child before he was taken away to be cleaned.

"You did great (Y/N)" Pete told you, kissing your sweaty forehead. "And you only managed to break my hand in the process." He joked and you giggled.

"A broken hand is a small price to pat compared to me. I just pushed a person out of me, and my guys are probably all over the bed down there." You said motioning down toward your lower region causing Pete to laugh.

Soon your baby was returned to your arms wrapped in a pale blue blanket with a white stripe around the edge, and a matching white hat with a pale blue stripe going around the hem of it. He was now sleeping in your arms, and Pete sitting to your left.

"So what should we name him?" He asked while tracing his finger along the shape of your newborn's pale, soft cheek.

"Hmmmm... What about Jaxon?" You suggested, look up from your baby to your boyfriend.

"With an 'x'?" Pete questioned look up from the sleeping boy as well, to look at you.

"With an 'x'." You confirmed ((Maybe that will be out always, the fault in our baby names)), leaning to leave a kiss on Pete's lips.

"We'll 4 makes a family" Pete sighed as you laid your head on his should, adverting you attention to the now open door of the hospital room, letting the visitors to see you and Jaxon.

"Technically 6 does." You said pointing out Pete's 2 other sons, Bronx and Saint, who had entered the room room with their mothers, Ashlee and Megan.

"6 makes a family."


May 5 2015

Hemingway needed some love and yeah, I probably scared a lot of You with the title

I regret nothing

Goodbye my {insert nationality} beauties

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