Chapter One: The Real Story's Just Begun

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The hot sun danced over Calanthe's pale skin, making her squeeze the tube of sunblock to lather herself up even more. She didn't even like the beach much. The sand was always too hot, the sea always rough against her delicate skin, and the kelp got tangled in her legs or tresses, but she made herself go. She had to get away from her, all the yelling, the fighting, the bruises - she had to run.

"You just had to leave a fucking knife out huh? God you're so Fucking sloppy Calanthe!" Maria yelled, pushing her daughter to the sink.
"I'm sorry mom. I was making a sandwich. I was going to put it in the dishwasher, I swear!"
"You can't do a damn thing right can you? Why do I even bother? Just get out of my fucking sight." Maria grabbed her daughter's arm throwing her against the wall.

Calanthe scurried into her room, grabbing all the belongings she could. Her prized collection of Harry Potter memorabilia, her favorite sweater her dad had bought her so she could match with him, a family photo from before the fighting, the notes from her dad over the years, anything that could be packed away was. She didn't know exactly where she was going, all she knew is she couldn't stay here any longer. She paid for her own car and her phone, and when she turned 18 she would have all the money her dad had left her in his Will and she could start new, fresh, uninhibited by the constant screeching and violence inflicted by her mother. Calanthe packed all her things quietly before taking them out to her car, looking at her childhood home one last time before closing the door on that chapter of her life.

No matter how much she hated the beach, she hated being home more. Even with the people giving her odd looks, bruises old and new littering her body. She'd rather have the odd looks than the one of disgust on her mother's face. Ever since her father passed away her mother's temper had gotten more and more volatile. When her dad was alive, he and her mom fought and now without her resident punching bag - Calanthe was left to pick up the slack.

"Uh... hey..." Calanthe turns to look at the boy that was now standing to her side, a concerned look on his sharp features. Green mossy eyes squinting in the harsh summer sun.
"Hi?" She says softly, fiddling with the ring on her index finger.
"Uh look, I know I don't know you... but uh are you okay?" The simple question made Calanthe smile to herself, her chin touching her chest as she looked away.
"Sorry, uh forget I asked."
The boy starts to walk away before Calanthe speaks up, "I'm okay. Sorry no one's asked me that in a while." She explains watching him walk back to her, setting his towel down next to her chair and umbrella.

"I'm Calanthe by the way, but you can call me Cal."
"Robby, nice to meet you Calanthe." He offers her his hand, she smiles, shaking it softly before turning away.
"Why did you ask? No one else bothered. Just looked at me like I was a leper."
"I uh, I know the look." He explained, not daring to look at the girl.
"Yeah? You okay then?" Robby laughs at her concern, nodding.
"No one's asked me that in a while either."
"Guess we can be lepers together." Cal smiles.

"You're new here right?"
"Yeah, trying to find someone..."
"Yeah who?"
"Daniel LaRusso?" Calli tries.
"Oh! You can't miss him! He's got auto shops everywhere! Turn on the television and he's all in your face doing karate moves." Robby says disdainfully, like the name leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
Calli smiles, "Sounds like him."

"Here give me your phone. I'll put in the address." Calanthe reaches into her tote bag between them, grabbing her phone and handing it over to Robby.
"You may want to unlock it first?" Robby laughs, making Calli blush.
"Sorry, uh here." She finishes typing in the code watching him twiddle with the phone in his hand, fingers quickly maneuvering over the screen.
"That's a bit long for an address." Calli laughs.
"Now you have an address and my number, in case you need a quick getaway or just want to talk." Robby hands her phone back with his contact open, watching as she types something in. He feels his phone vibrate, pulling it out of his board shorts.

It's Calanthe, your fellow leper

Robby chuckles, adding her number into his phone.
"Now you can call me if you need a quick escape or want to talk." She smiles, watching him nod.

"Yo Robby! Let's go!" A tall black gentleman yells.
"And that's my cue. Stay safe Calanthe." Robby smiles, standing up and throwing his towel over his shoulder.
"You too Robby."


After her impromptu meeting with a resident of Reseda, Calanthe decided it was time to find Daniel LaRusso. She didn't expect him to really remember her, or where she came from. But she hoped he would be open to helping her find a job or some not too skeevy lodging once she explained.

The bell above the door rang as she entered the pristine floor room, shiny cars reflecting her extremely underdressed form littered with marks.
"Hi welcome to LaRusso Auto, can I help you with something?" Cal turns to find Amanda who does a double take before taking the young girl to the back, practically dragging her to her husband.
"Amanda, what's going on?" Daniel asks worriedly, spotting the cowering girl whose face stayed glued to the ground. Amanda closed the door and shut the blinds, sitting the young girl down. As Cal sat down her head slowly lifted, she watched as Daniel gulped audibly, his eyes beginning to water.

"You still have his eyes." He laughs sadly before walking out from behind his desk to hug the young girl, who recoils from the hug in pain.
"What happened Calanthe? Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry, Uncle Danny. I didn't know where else to go."
"No! No! Sweetheart you are always welcome! Sam'll be so excited to see you!"
"Calanthe, could you tell us what happened? If you can't that's okay sweetheart. We just want to be there for you." Amanda explains, a comforting touch placed on Calanthe's shoulder.

Calanthe shudders before looking at the two, happy parents, present parents, good parents.
"Um after dad passed... Maria wasn't doing so well... she uh she was drinking a lot and doing... she wasn't taking care of herself... or me. And without my dad... she didn't have someone to take her anger out on so..." Calanthe's sob gets stuck in her throat, making Amanda rub her back soothingly, looking up at her husband expectantly.
"Hey, hey kiddo. You're going to be okay now all right? We can get you whatever help you need. We can go with you to the police station-"
"No! No, I can't do that. I won't. Please don't make me."
"Okay, okay, but you're not going back there."

"I was hoping you would know where I could get lodging? And... and a job?"
"You'll stay with us sweetie. If you want a job you can work here." Amanda smiles.
"I don't want to do that to you guys, really I just came here to see friendly faces."
"Stop that! We have the room and the resources. There's no need for you to hole up in some hotel when we're right here. We can enroll you in West Valley High with Sam! It'll be good. Plus you always clean up after yourself unlike our kids." Daniel's words earn a soft giggle from Calanthe.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive! You and your dad are family Calanthe, blood or not." Daniel stated firmly but still kind.

"Thank you, both of you, so so much! I promise I will make you proud! I'll make my dad proud!" Calli states determined. This was her fresh start. This is her way out of violence and vitriol and towards happiness and care, and goddamn it she was going to take it!

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