Chapter Seven: Welcome to LaRusso Auto

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"Am I ever going to meet this mystery man?" Sam groans, throwing herself back on Cal's bed.
"I'll introduce you when I'm good and ready! Don't need to scare him off!"
"I am not scary!" Sam says, hitting Cal's arm playfully.
"No you're just nosy!"
"Of course I am! I want to know everything about my sister who I haven't seen in years! So spill! Boyfriends? Girlfriends? High school experiences?"
"Honestly, there's not much to report. I had the odd sprinkling of flings every once in a blue moon. High school sucked, so I just kept my head down."

"Mom said you did really well in school."
"Yeah. I didn't have many friends, so no parties meant I could do all my homework."
"Maybe you could help me in some classes?" Sam asks hopefully.
"Sure! I'd love to!"
"Thank you so much! Seriously, if I bring home another C-, my dad may have a heart attack." The two laugh loudly, making Amanda check in.

"Hey girls."
"Hey mom." Sam smiles.
"What're you laughing about?"
"Cal's gonna tutor me in some classes so dad doesn't have a heart attack due to a C- again." Amanda chuckles, he really did almost have a heart attack.
"Well, thank you Calanthe."
"Of course!"
"I was planning on heading to the dealership soon if you'd like to join me?"
"Oh that would be great! I can get the lay of the land and all that!"

"Wait you're going to work there?"
"Yeah! To pay off my laptop and get some experience!"
"Okay... but you know you don't have to... right?"
"I know! But I like being busy!" Cal shrugs.
"Whatever you say sis! But when you get bored just shoot me a text!" Sam pats her on the back before leaving the room.

"I'll change into something more appropriate and then we can go?" Cal looks to Amanda hopefully.
"Sounds good! I'll be down in the car."


"It looks different when you aren't afraid." Cal comments softly.
"Bad or good?"
"Good! Warmer. Not as... metallic and cold?"
"I'll take it." Amanda chuckles, heading into Daniel's office, seeing him with some mountains of paperwork, glasses brushing the tip of his nose.
"Honey, Calanthe's here." Daniel's head springs up, seeing his wife and adoptive daughter, who offers a small wave.
"Hey! Didn't know you were coming in today!"
"Amanda asked if I wanted to tag along. I hope that's okay?"
"Of course! Always good to see you!" He offers her a small smile, easing her worries.

"Oh my god that is her!" Louie yells, grabbing Calanthe in a hug.
"Hi Louie." Calanthe laughs.
"How're you kid?"
"I didn't know you were visiting! How come ya didn't tell me cuz?"
"Well, we didn't know and she's not visiting. She's staying." Daniel smiles.
"Ah sick! Another LaRusso to add to the ranks!" Louie fake boxes Calanthe making her laugh.
"Happy to be here."
"All right Louie, back to work." Amanda dictates, making him fix his jacket and nod, walking away just to peek his head back in.
"Glad you're here Calanthe." He smiles before heading back out to the store room.

"I didn't know he worked here!"
"It's probationary. He's a bit... eccentric?"
"Isn't that a good thing with selling?"
"Some days it is, other days not so much." Daniel chuckles.
"Well what can I do to help? Looks like you've got a lot of paperwork! I could help organize?"
"Oh god could you?" Daniel sighs, "My eyes are not what they once were."
"Yeah, it's no problem! I love organizing!"

"Well let's get your paperwork in order so you're an official employee and have a time card and everything, and then he can work you to the bone."
"Good plan! I think you can only work for eight hours a day right now and no more than 40 hours a week, but when school starts you can only work three hours a day and only for 18 hours in a school week."
"Did you look that up the other day?" Amanda questions, a smirk playing on her lips.
"Maybe... or maybe I am a wealth of knowledge on labor laws!"
"He definitely just found that out. Come on Calanthe." Amanda laughs, bringing the young girl with her.
"I could have known it!" Daniel calls to their retreating backs.


"How was your first day of work?"
"Good. I'm organizing everything with dates and I want to color code things so it's easier."
"You're such a dork." Robby laughs.
"But I'm a very organized dork!"
"Apparently! Should have guessed by your car!"
"My car is very organized."

"Your first aid kit is very organized. It's freaking labelled!"
"Because then I know where everything is! How do people live in such disorder?"
"You just have OCD sweetheart."
"That is also true."
"Damn did I just correctly diagnose you? Maybe I should be a doctor!"
"You'd have to stay in school!"
"Then maybe not." Robby chuckles, stepping back into his apartment, phone cradled between his shoulder and ear.

"Robby?" Being met with the sight of his mom wasn't something he expected, and the sight of her without another idiotic man was completely foreign.
"Uh hey." Robby nods, heading towards his room. As much as he wanted to see his mom, as much as he wanted to talk to her and get her to stay, he didn't want any more disappointment. He already had a shitty day as is. He just didn't want to add to it.

"Robby, if your mom's home I can let you go." Cal says softly.
"I would really much rather talk to you."
"Did she bring someone?"
"Not that I've seen."
"Robby, you should talk to her." Cal urges softly.
"Calanthe, I really don't want to."
"I know. But sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do... maybe I could talk to her?"
"I'm not subjecting you to that."
"I offered. Let me talk to her."

"She doesn't even know you."
"That's the point. I'm a stranger."
"How does that make any point?"
"Because I don't have any attachments to her, maybe hearing it from someone else would be helpful? Seeing someone who heard it from you and how it affected you, maybe I can explain it a bit better?"
"Saying I can't explain?"
"No, you have more skin in the game than I do. I don't care if she hates me, but she's your mom." The slamming of the door interrupts their conversation.
"Guess you won't get the chance. She's gone. Yet again."
"I'm sorry Robby."
"I'm used to it."
"Doesn't mean it doesn't suck."
"Yeah, well it is what it is."

"Want to come over? We could watch some films?"
"Still don't think I'd be quite welcome in the LaRusso house." Definitely wouldn't be if any of them knew who his dad was.
"I want you here so you're welcome."
"You got a trellis or something I could climb up?"
"Let me double check." Robby hears rustling on the other end and a door opening.
"Looks like it! Roses though so be careful for thorns. I'll leave the balcony doors open so you know which room."
"Send me the address. I'll skate over." 
"Yeah?!" The excitement in her voice makes him chuckle.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon."

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