Chapter Forty: Valley Fest Disaster

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"Amanda is a bit perturbed with me using the Q3 budget for the dojo ad... I need ideas on how to make it up to her!" Daniel says as he throws open the door of the dojo where the three teens have been waiting.
"Uh..." Robby looks to the two girls for help.
"Get her her favourite food or flowers... or both!" Cal offers.
"Both... yeah, that could work."
"Dad, you're going to need to do more than that." Sam laughs.
"She's right. A heartfelt apology will work wonders when accompanied by food, flowers, and actions that show how sorry you are. A simple sorry means nothing in the grand scheme of things, it only means something when the words are followed by actions."
"Mr. LaRusso, if there's one thing I know now, it's apologise immediately, waiting never helps anyone."
"Right. Right. Okay. I am going to run to Joan's Orchard and grab her favorite food and flowers. Uh you can stay here, I'll be back after work and grovelling."
"Good luck!" Sam and Cal call.

"Oh Aunt Amanda is going to read him the riot act."
"No doubt and I'm not playing peacekeeper again. It's your turn Cal." Sam laughs, knocking shoulders.
"I will do my very best should it come to that. Now, let's work some drills."
"Not in the pond?" Sam asks hopefully.
"Not in the pond." Cal laughs, nodding.
The trio stands from their stretching positions, laughter still on their lips. Robby grabs Cal's hand, pulling her back to him.
"We'll be out in a second Sam!" Robby calls.
"Don't make me an aunt yet!" Sam retorts with a smile, closing the sliding door.

"What's up?"
"Just want to kiss my girlfriend before we get all sweaty."
"If we get sweaty we can just take another shower." Cal teases, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You better work us hard then sensei."
"Oh I plan too. And again, not a sensei." Cal laughs.
"Pretty much are one at this rate." Robby shrugs, his hands finding purchase on her waist.
"Not quite. I still have much to learn. We both do."
"At least I have a good teacher." Robby smirks, bringing a hand from her waist to her cheek before pulling her to his lips.
"You do, don't you?" Cal giggles against his lips.


"Stay in the circle. If I have to push you back into it I will." Cal laughs as Sam and Robby move around each other.
"I did make it to All Valley finals flower!"
"That's cause you didn't have to go through us!" Sam laughs.
"What she said!" Cal agrees, the trio letting out chuckles.
"Listen," Robby starts, making Sam get out of her starting form and Cal come around to his side, "I wanna thank you. Both of you."
"For what?"

"Well, last week I had no hot water. This week, I have a jacuzzi in my backyard and I get to be with my girlfriend all the time."
"I wouldn't get too excited about the jacuzzi. We did find a dead possum in there. Now the girlfriend thing - you should definitely be excited about." Sam smiles, making Robby laugh and nod, grasping Cal's hand.
"Seriously though, thank you." Robby smiles, looking between the two girls.
"It's... it's been a little rough lately and it's nice to have people who look out for you." Robby admits, watching Cal lean up and kiss his cheek.
"That's what friends do." Sam assures him.
"Not all friends. I haven't been super lucky in the friend department till I met Cal so I'm still getting used to it all."
"And we will be here with you through that transition period." Cal assures him with a smile.

"All right, guys. Enough chitchat. Let's see where you're at!" Daniel announces as he steps into the backyard. Sam and Robby get in their positions but Daniel is quickly sidetracked by the two young men who have come around to the back.
"Good afternoon."
"Hey, uh, we're looking for Miyagi-Do?"
"You're in the right place!" Daniel states happily, making the three teenagers venture towards him and the new prospective students.
"Commercial said lessons are free?"
"They sure are."
"Oh..." The boys say in wonder, eyes flying over the backyard. The pond, the patio, the steps, the foliage - everything was amazing and bright.

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