Chapter Thirty-Four: Five AM Bakery Runs

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Content warning: Daniel giving them "the talk" (cringe worthy) & brief talk of sex but no actual sex


"It is five in the fucking morning." Cal groans, throwing her head back onto her pillow.
"And that is why he sent me up." Robby chuckles, pulling Cal's covers off.
"I will hit you."
"You would never."
"Don't test me Robby."
"Come on flower. We're transforming Miyagi-Do today!"

"How are you so cheery? It's too early for that shit."
"Come on! It'll be fun. Just get dressed okay? I'll see if we can swing by the bakery on our way over hm?" Cal's ears perk up at that making Robby laugh.
"Fine, but I want two danishes AND a latte."
"I'll see what I can do. Now get dressed." Robby smiles kissing her forehead before leaving to walk downstairs.

"She up?"
"With curses and groans but yes. Her condition is going to the bakery and getting two danishes and a latte."
"Now that we can do!" Daniel nods, continuing to pack up waters and fruit into the cooler.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"I got it, thanks Robby. Hey... I know you and Cal are together and I'm okay with that. I'm... I'm happy for both of you... just... be good to her okay? She deserves that and more."
"I will. Promise. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"She really loves you ya know?"
"I know, I really love her too." Robby smiles to himself, hearing Cal's soft footsteps behind him.

"Ready to go?" She questions the two, standing next to Robby.
"Yeah, yeah." Robby smiles, nodding.
"Bakery first and then Miyagi-Do. I heard that was your condition Cal?"
"Correct! I demand payment for being up so hellaciously early."
"You'll live, come on kids."


Cal finishes the last of her first Danish, putting the second into the cooler to keep it cold while they work.
"Cal help me with this tarp yeah?" Daniel motions her over, watching her jog the short distance and go to the opposite side, removing the tarp from the old yellow car.
"Woah... Mr. Miyagi gave you this?" Robby asks amazed.
"Yep. Best birthday gift ever. Haven't had much of a chance to get down here lately to take care of her the way she deserves." Daniel rubs his hand over the hood, dusting it off.
"Something tells me there's a can of wax in our future." Robby laughs, looking to Cal.
"Don't worry. We got plenty to do before that."

"Now, I've got paint, rakes, brushes, garbage bags, and wood ready. What should we tackle first?"
"Probably things that can be done with one hand." Cal laughs, gesturing to Robby.
"Let's do the house paint then." Daniel hands the two a brush and some green paint, motioning them over to the peeling house.
"Uh... don't you want to sand this before we paint? It'll look patchy otherwise?" Cal comments.
"Where'd you learn that from?" Daniel chuckles.
"You'd be surprised how many holes and pipes I've had to fix at Maria's place." Cal chuckles dryly.

"Well, what do you think? It'll be more work?"
"It'll be worth it. Promise."
"Okay. I'll grab some sanding equipment at the hardware store. I guess get started on the leaves then?" The two nod, turning towards the leaf strewn backyard.
"This is going to take a while." Cal huffs.

After silently picking up leaves with Cal groaning about the boredom Robby decided to change the mood. He pulled her up by her hand, dragging her to the house.
"Robby we're supposed to be working!"
"And you are whining about it so we need to change it up." He explains, digging through her bag and pulling out the small speaker she had once left behind in the back room.
"Pick a song. We'll pick up the leaves and I'll spin you around like they do in the cheesy romance movies." Robby smiles, handing her the speaker and her phone.
Cal giggles, nodding her head before she pulls her phone out and starts scrolling through her library.

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