Chapter Sixteen: Moon with the Most

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"You okay?" Sam asks softly, walking into Cal's room, finding her sister with red rimmed eyes.
"Fine. You?" Cal sniffles.
"Don't think crying means you're fine. C'mon, you can trust me. I told you about the fake deer accident." Sam offers a soft laugh.
"Just... Robby."
"What did he do? Oh god, please tell me you didn't have sex."
"Jesus Christ Sam! No! He just... he said I just looked at him like a charity case or a lost puppy."

Sam sits down on her bed, putting her arm around Cal, "So you had a fight, doesn't mean you can't be friends."
"He said I was just a rich kid looking for a project. I'm not rich! You're rich! I just live here! I even have a job! I get a set amount of funds from my dad's estate every week. It's not like I'm rolling in cash! I just... I really liked him Sam. He was there for me when I looked like a bruised peach. He didn't laugh at me or look at me like I was a leper. I wanted... I just wanted to have someone that understood, that liked me for everything I am and despite everything I've been through."

"Well, I love you and it's his loss. You're amazing! I mean you have stuck your neck out for me numerous times! You help my parents at the shop, you help me in school, you hang out with the kids no one else hangs out with because you're just that good! I love that about you. You're nice to everyone until they no longer deserve it and even then you haven't unleashed your full bitch potential!" Cal laughs.
"You haven't ever seen my full bitch potential so how would you know?"
"Because I know you. Under all your armor is a mushy little teddy bear, and over your armor is freaking Kevlar with spikes!" Sam laughs, watching Cal nod.

"See, his loss. Now come on, let's go out! Just us, no Yasmine, no Moon, no Kyler, no Robby - just us."
"Sounds like a plan. Let me put on something different."
"Ooo yes! Wear something hot and we can post it so Robby sees what he's missing!"
"Sam, I don't even have Instagram..."
"WHAT?! Oh my god no, no. We are making you an Instagram right now!"

Sam spent the next thirty minutes explaining Cal's profile to her and showing her the different features.
"Okay we need a good username! Ideas?"
"My name?"
"No one uses their full name anymore Cal."
"Uh I don't know... CalantheLG?"
"I mean... I guess it's not your full name... what's your middle name again?"
"Oh that's perfect! CalantheLuna!" Sam starts furiously typing, "Okay now a bio."

"I'm nearly 17? I'm from Taos? I'm a complete loser?"
"Yes to the first two, absolutely not to the last."
"Just put whatever you want." Cal waves off, grabbing some ripped skinny jeans and pulling them on.
"Okay, check it out. CalantheLuna as the username, bio says 'sixteen's never been sweeter' and then under it Taos to Encino. I followed me, Anthony, and the LaRusso Auto Shop account. Anthony and I already followed you back. Now you just need your first post!"

"Just post something for me."
"No, that's your contribution." Sam hands the phone back to her excitedly.
"Well what do people usually post?"
"Not quite sure I'm a selfie person."
"Just put the phone over your face and show off your outfit in the mirror! That's very in!"
"Whatever you say Sam." Cal smiles, standing in front of her mirror and posing so the phone covers her face.

"What do we think?" Cal throws her phone to Sam who barely catches it.
"Give me some warning next time!"
Sam rolls her eyes with a soft giggle, looking at the photo.
"Damn girl! Yes we are definitely posting that! Okay... hashtag alternative fashion, and a black heart emoji! Perfect! You are officially no longer an Instagram virgin!" Sam announces with a little clap.
"You are such a dork."

"Okay let's get to the mall and get you some clothes to really make him sweat."


Three hours and over two hundred dollars later Cal and Sam ended up in the food court grabbing some boba tea.
"Sam?" The girls turn around to see Moon all by herself.
"Hey!" Sam smiles getting up and hugging her, bringing her over to their table.
"You're Cal right?" Moon asks sitting down.
"Yeah, nice to meet you without a car wreck in the background."
"I'm so sorry about that. We were all just shaken, it was a lot."
"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." Cal shrugs.

"So what are you all doing here?"
"Cal's going through a break up. We needed some retail therapy to show him what he's missing."
"Oh god, boys are so stupid! Look at you! You're hot!" Cal laughs, "No I'm serious! Let me post you on my story! You'll see!"
"Cal you should totally do it! Moon has like thousands of followers! She just got an Instagram, so we need to grow her profile."
"You didn't have an Instagram? Oh my god you poor thing."
"Is it really that common?"
"Cal, did you live in the Stone Age? My goodness! Okay yes, scoot in." Moon takes her phone out posing with the two girls.
"Okay what's your at?" Cal looks at Sam confused, "It's CalantheLuna." Sam offers.
"Ooo love that! Your name is super zen."
"Thank you?" Cal looks over at Sam who shrugs.
"Okay done. Now watch the likes roll in." Moon giggles.

"You're pretty cool Moon." Cal sips her boba, seeing the girl give her a wide smile.
"Thanks, you're pretty cool too Cal."


"I told you! See! Moon is great when she's not with Yasmine!" Sam laughs as they walk back into the house, carrying their shopping bags.
"Mall trip went well I see!" Amanda comments.
"It went amazing! We saw Moon there and she posted Cal on her story and now Cal has like over 400 followers with only one post!"
"That's great! Um do I dare ask what you bought at Victoria's Secret?" Amanda raises her eyebrows at the large bag Cal is holding.
"Lingerie. Don't worry Aunt Amanda it's not for someone else. I just like it because it makes me feel pretty, plus it's soft."
"Hey no judgement. I trust you two." Amanda smiles, holding her hands in surrender.

"Is it okay for me to do laundry?"
"Of course! I'm still surprised you know how. Don't think Sam could do it without the instructions on the box of detergent."
"Hey! I could wash my laundry!"
"Sweetheart, you put red in with white the last time!"
"Oh god Sam, that's bad." Cal snickers.
"Why am I being attacked? You two can do the laundry and I will go watch The Bachelor." Sam titters, running up the steps with a laugh.
"That child will be the death of me."

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