Chapter Eighteen: Invisibility or Super Strength

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"You okay?" Eli questions Cal who can't stop itching her arm.
"Fine, thanks." Cal offers him a weak smile, turning to see some kids crowding around Aisha and snorting.
"I'll see you in class Eli." Cal says absentmindedly, feeling her blood boil.

She stalks over to the small crowd, pushing one of the snorting morons away from Aisha and onto the floor.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Cal seethes, her eyes fiery.
"Whatever loser." The crowd disperses, allowing Cal to turn to Aisha, her eyes softening at the young girl's despondent expression.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Thanks for saying something."
"What are friends for?" Cal smiles. Feeling her arm start to itch again, she brings her hand to her wrist softly scratching over her cardigan.

"Do you have a rash? I have some calamine lotion?" Aisha says rifling through her bag to find it.
"Here!" She states proudly, holding out the lotion for Cal.
"Thanks Aisha but it's not a rash. Just something stupid I did."
"Oh... do you want to talk about it?"
"I'm okay, thanks."

Aisha looks at her with glassy eyes, "Hey, it's okay." Cal smiles, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I really can't lose you. You're like the only person who has ever stood up for me."
"Im not going anywhere, okay? We're both going to be okay." Cal offers her a smile, rubbing her arm as she watches her nod.

"Now come on, I have study hall right now. What about you?"
"Physics." The blaring chime of the bell rings out over the speakers.
"Guess you better get going!"
"Yeah. Thanks Cal."
"Course. Now go!" Cal chuckles watching her scurry away.

She heads to the library where she knows the boys are. Back of the room, hidden behind bookcases and furthest from the door but still with multiple exits in case someone decides to be a jerk.
"Hello my lovelies." Cal smiles, plopping down beside Eli.
"What're we talking about?"

"Miguel's mom won't let him do karate anymore." Eli fills her in.
"Oh I'm sorry Miguel. I know how much you enjoyed that."
"I mean... it was starting to boost his confidence." Demetri scoffs, wide-eyed.
"And that's bad?"
"Yes! That is how you get a black eye and your backpack in the trash."
"That seems highly specific."
"Because it is. That happens to us all the time." Eli explains softly, his head low into his book.

"I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler..." Eli admits, bringing his head up for a minute before going back into hiding.
"Are you insane?" Demetri leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and gesturing wildly with his pen, "Let me ask you: what is the best superpower anyone could have?"
"Super strength." Miguel says decidedly.
"Wrong! Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed, to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Cal groans knowing that voice.
"Whom." Brucks interjects, making Kyler turn to him, "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class?" Cal let's out a soft snort at the correction.
"We were just leaving." Miguel says quickly, the boys start packing their things away fervently. Cal rolls her eyes. She understands them not wanting to get hurt, but if they never stand up for themselves, they'll always be punching bags. But despite all of this, she still stands with them, packing up what little she had gotten out of her backpack to leave.

"Hey, where you going?" Kyler questions Eli, a hand placed on the back of his neck to force him to look at them.
"Oh look at this freak." Kyler grips his jaw forcing his neck up as he scrutinizes every ounce of Eli's face.
"Oh shit!" Kyler and Brucks start laughing manically.
"What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" Cal rips Kyler off of Eli before turning to him with a smile and pulling his lips to her own. Eli stands completely frozen, his hands at his sides as she kisses him softly before turning to look at Kyler and Brucks.
"This girl would. Now leave him alone Kyler."
"Yeah, leave him alone Kyler. Just give it a rest." Miguel sighs, completely exhausted by the constant fighting.

"What'd you say? You haven't had enough, 'Rhea?" Brucks smacks Miguel's shoulder as his head falls down to look at the floor.
"Yeah. Get the hell out of here, man." Kyler slaps his head, swinging him around so he faces the wall of bookshelves that he gladly walks to. Brucks pushes Eli forward, making him stumble towards Miguel with Cal following along only to stop when she hears Kyler taunting Demetri, "Hey you don't want this shit." Kyler laughs, grabbing his backpack from him.
"No, come on. Not the trash. I just threw a..." Kyler drops the bag, "yogurt in there."
"Now it's double dip."

"Why are you such a jackass? What? Did mommy not hold you enough as a baby?"
"Shut your mouth freak-ette." Demetri groans as he pulls his now yogurt laden backpack from the trash.
"Go fuck yourself Kyler." Cal spits, pushing him backwards.
"Nah I'll save that for your sister." Cal bites her tongue, not looking to get suspended.
"Come on Cal. Don't bother." Demetri tugs her along pulling her from the library and back to Miguel and Eli.

"Now that we are all safe. I need to get this yogurt off." Demetri sighs, walking towards the men's room. The group follows him into the dimly lit bathroom, their shoulders hunched and heads low. Cal hoists herself up on the sink grabbing some paper towels and wetting them to assist in the clean up. When she turns to face the three boys they all stand in front of her like deer in headlights.
"This is... this is the men's room?"
"Yeah and?"
"You are clearly not a man!"
"Jesus Christ it's a bathroom! It's not like I've never seen a dick before!" Cal rolls her eyes, handing the wet paper towels to Demetri.

"So... should we talk about that kiss?" Miguel asks, breaking the awkward silence.
"Right! I'm so sorry Eli."
"Why... Why are you sorry?" Eli asks worriedly.
"I didn't ask if it was okay. I should have and I don't want you to think that I'm a bad person. They were just being assholes and I figured I could shut them up without being suspended."
"It's okay... it was just... different?"
"You calling me a bad kisser Moskowitz?"
"No! No! No! I'm so sorry that's not what I meant!"

"Honestly you're his first kiss so he doesn't have anything to compare it to." Demetri interjects.
"Oh god Eli! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to steal your first kiss!" Cal's hands fall over her mouth in shock and complete embarrassment.
"No, it's... it's okay! It was uh... it was nice!"
"Well at least it wasn't awful."
"You're uh... you're a good kisser?"
Cal laughs, "Thanks Eli."

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