Chapter Nine: A Flower By Calanthe

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"Did you know that Robert means "bright fame"? It's Germanic in origin coming from the ancient Germanic words "hrod," meaning fame, and "beraht," meaning bright."
"Yeah? What's Calanthe mean?" Robby asks, tossing a tennis ball up in the air to strengthen his shoulder, with his phone on his chest.
"It's Greek. It's the name of a type of orchid. It means "beautiful flower," derived from the Greek words "kalos," meaning beautiful, and "anthos" meaning flower."

"Are you Greek?"
"I have a bit of Greek from my dad's side, don't know about my mom's."
"I'm probably German, definitely European."
"Well let's see!"
"Where are you finding all this stuff?"
"Google and ancestry sites."
"Huh, never would have looked."

"Keene is English, from the old English word "cene" meaning 'bold, brave'. That fits, you're pretty brave and bold!"
"Thanks flower. So what about Lane-Guerrero?"
"Lane, I know is from my mom's Irish roots. It means 'warrior'. Guerrero... let's see." Robby hears typing on the line.
"Huh... means warrior or war. From the late Latin word "werra," meaning 'war'."

"Looks like you are a beautiful flowery warrior."
"And you are a bold and brave man with bright fame ahead!" The two share a bout of giggles.
"Sounds like a fortune cookie." Robby chuckles.
"Definitely does! Mine just sounds like an oxymoron."
"There can be beautiful warriors!"
"Yeah but flowery?"
"Maybe it's one of those flowers that kill ya?"
"There we go!"

"Calanthe, dinner time!"
"Guess that's my cue." Cal sighs.
"Don't miss me too much flower." Robby smirks.
"Ha ha very funny. I'll do my best. But it will be so so hard." Cal says sarcastically.
"I know, my bravery and boldness is entrancing."
"Oh so very entrancing."

"Go eat. I'll talk to you later."
"Yes sir. Make sure you eat something too."
"I'll find something. I'm sure I've got cup noodles."
"The amount of salt in it just makes me pucker thinking about it."

"It's a classic!"
"A very salty classic!"
"Whatever you say flower."
"That my new nickname?"
"Fits you. Looks like your folks picked a good one."
"Apparently so. Go eat your salty dinner."
"Yes ma'am."
"Bye Robby."
"Bye flower." He smiles, hanging up.


"Calanthe, did I hear a boy in your room earlier?" Amanda asks softly as Cal helps her fold laundry.
"Just on the phone! He's a friend." Cal explains quickly, nervously twisting the ring on her finger.
"You're blushing." Amanda teases.
"I'm just warm. That's all."
"Sure. This the friend we haven't met yet? Scared we'll chase him away?"
"I don't think you'll chase him away! Just really want someone that's just for me. I haven't had that in a while."
"Do you like him?"
"He's my friend so of course."
"You know what I mean!"
"I could... maybe. I don't really date, so I'm still a bit new to all that."

"When was your last date?"
"A year ago? I dated a guy from my drama class."
"Well, don't date unless you want to. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Don't let anyone pressure you to do something you don't want to do. If anyone does anything to you - come to me or Daniel okay? We won't be mad. We just want to keep you safe. Same goes if you're drinking, we will give you a ride."

"Oh I don't drink. I've seen what it does to people."
"Of course. Well, that makes one kid I don't have to worry about getting alcohol poisoning." Amanda laughs.
"Oh I don't think Sam would ever get that drunk."
"Probably not. But like you said her friends... I just worry she may do something she doesn't want to do just to fit in."
"I'll watch out for her."
"I know you will. But I want to make sure you have someone who watches out for you too."
"I do."


Calanthe woke up the next morning to a text from Robby asking if she wanted to go to the bakery so she can show him the best danishes. An opportunity she simply couldn't pass up.

"Cheese, raspberry, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, chocolate??" Robby asks, peering into the glass case in fascination.
"I think the strawberry ones are the best, or the strawberry cheesecake ones but those aren't out today."
"All right, let's go with the favorite then!"

"Hi, could we get two strawberry danishes, a decaf iced latte, and..." Cal looks to Robby, "Oh uh, yeah I guess another one of those."
"Two strawberry danishes and two decaf iced lattes, that all for you?"
"Yep, that'll be all! Thanks!"
"That'll be $21.30." Before Robby even gets a chance to grab some money, Cal swipes her card getting the receipt from the cashier.
"I could have paid! I asked you, not the other way around."
"Here are your drinks and danishes." Cal thanks the cashier again, pulling Robby to a small table.

"Yes but I have a card which is a lot easier than cash."
"I can pay you back ya know? I'm not completely poor."
"I never said you were Robby. It's just easier for me to swipe than you to count out money and coins! How about this, next time we go somewhere you will pay?" Robby smiles, she wants to hang out with him again.
"Deal." Cal nods, taking a sip of coffee.

"Okay now try the Danish. I swear they're like crack. I used to eat them all the time when I lived here as a kid! They were my favorite treat."
"You lived here?"
"Yeah for about five years. My dad worked at Valley Presbyterian Hospital, right between Burbank and Reseda. He transferred back to Holy Cross Hospital in Taos when I was around nine or ten ish."
"Why'd you leave?"
"Maria, sorry uh, my mother wanted to be closer to what she knew. She didn't like it here. Honestly, I think she didn't like it because my dad had close friends here. She couldn't alienate him."

"Does your mom know where you are?"
"God I hope not. She may not have even noticed I'm gone." The mere thought has Cal gripping at the silver band on her finger worriedly.
"You've been here... what a month? Month and a half? Her benders are that long?"
"Sometimes. One time I didn't see her for three months. As much as I hate to say it, those were the best three months since my dad died. I got a job. The bruises healed, cigarette burns turned into just scars, cuts just magically gone. I looked normal for once! I even got a boyfriend. That didn't go too well but at least it was something... normal." Cal chuckles, biting into her Danish.

"Eat Robby! Enough of my sad life story. I need to see your face when you finally get to enjoy the best pastry on earth." Robby smiles, nodding before picking up the Danish and looking to her.
"Go on! It's not going to bite." He sighs before biting in, taking in the crispy treat filled with soft strawberry jam.
Robby groans, "Okay, you're right. This is amazing."
"I'm always right you'll find."
"Sure flower."

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