Chapter Two: As I Lay Dying

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Calanthe had messaged Robby back and forth over the next few days, her cousin always trying to peek at the messages.
"Tell me Cal!! Please! Is he nice? Is he hot? What does he look like? How old is he?"
"Jesus Sam! It's not twenty questions!" Cal laughs.
"Please tell me! I don't have a boyfriend!"
"He's not my boyfriend for crying out loud!"

"Who's not someone's boyfriend yet?" Amanda questions the two girls, looking at their deer in headlights wide eyed expressions
"Nothing!" The two say far too quickly.
"Uh huh, sure. I was thinking before summer ends we should all go shopping for back to school clothes? I don't know about your wardrobe Calanthe but mine needs some sprucing up."
"That would be fun! I'd love to!" Cal smiles at her aunt, now looking to her cousin for reassurance.

"I was supposed to go with Yasmine and Moon..."
"Oh, well that's okay! Calanthe you should go with them!"
"Is it okay if I go with you? I just kinda want to... heal up a bit more before I meet them..." Calanthe explains softly.
"Of course! At least my new daughter will hang out with me." Amanda looks to Sam teasingly making her giggle. But Calanthe's eyes are trained on the floor, soft tears threatening to spill over the dam that is her lash line.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!" Amanda says quickly noticing Calanthe's downward stare.
"No, no! It's not that... just haven't had anyone call me their daughter in a nice way since dad died."
"Well, I've always looked at you like a daughter. When you two were kids you acted just like sisters, fooling around in the dojo so much Daniel could barely get you to focus unless there were-"
"Rolos!" Cal and Sam burst out laughing.
"Exactly!" Amanda smiles, watching the two young girls in fits of laughter over their younger selves' antics. A smile on Calanthe's face that made her heart warm, the poor girl deserved to smile.

Amanda hadn't seen Calanthe since she was ten years old, back when she had little bangs and silly science shirts. Maria had never liked the LaRussos, despite Jackson always talking them up. Amanda didn't know why. She tried to include her in fun activities, always offered to watch Calanthe or host sleepovers, but no matter what she did Maria never warmed up to her. Then one day they were all gone in the wind. The house with a large "sold" sign picketed on their browning grass. The backyard, usually rampant with laughter and creaky swings, was now barren and cold. Even the welcome mat introducing their family was gone, just a dirt outline where it used to be, the only thing that showed someone had lived there.

Daniel had grown up beside Jackson, the one friend who trusted him and loved him no matter what his choice was. Whether it was Miyagi or Cobra Kai, Jackson stood by his friend always. Even Mr. Miyagi had commented on their friendship, saying it provided them both with balance in their home lives and in karate. The trust they had in each other helped them conquer all. And then Maria came into the picture. Jackson had brought her back one year from college, introducing her as his girlfriend. From the get go, Daniel didn't like her. She was brash and clearly only with Jackson because he was on track to be a very successful doctor. But Jackson was blinded by his love for the woman she pretended to be. The one that doted on him and told him how smart he is, something he could no longer hear from his other loved ones.

Despite all the red flags, Daniel tried to find the good in her. He tried so damn hard but every good thing was immediately offset by three bad things. She would help him keep his files organized, and then tell him he's a grown ass man who should be able to do it himself and it was pathetic that she had to do it for him... even though he didn't ask her to. Jackson worked in organized disorder. He knew where everything was, and while it may look like everything was thrown around - it wasn't.

Then the bruises started popping up, slightly hidden by his tanned skin but still evident to his closest friend. Not wanting to lose his best friend, Daniel never asked outright if he was being abused. He didn't want to be wrong and make Jackson feel like he was less than. Jackson was strong, as he got older gangly limbs turned svelte and swift. The years of karate had made him tough in mind and body. The control he had... it never made Daniel think he could be the aggressor. With Calanthe now back in their lives after almost seven years... he knew his idea was correct.

Calanthe took after her father, she was calm until she wasn't. She was loyal and fierce to anyone who tried to hurt her friends. What she didn't have in stature she made up for in mouth and technique. Her mouth was how she won most fights, but where that didn't work - her Miyagi-Do kicked in.

Daniel had planned to see if Calanthe would want to work with him, since Sam was no longer interested. He was excited to see how she's doing now that she's had a few days to settle in. But when he got back to the house, it was quiet, save for the first person shooter game Anthony was playing.
"Anthony! Where is everyone?"
"They went to the mall to get new clothes for school." He explained, never taking his eyes off the screen.
"Oh." His excitement had deflated a bit, a soft frown now evident.
"How bout you and me go out back and spar a bit? Yeah? For old times sake!" Daniel tries, fake punching his son's shoulder comically.
"No thanks." Daniel nods, knowing it was a long shot.

"How's Calanthe settling in?"
"Better. She's still not as bubbly according to Sam, but it's getting better. Mom wants to get her into a therapist before school."
"That's probably wise."
Anthony pauses his game, looking up at his dad, "I know I'm not supposed to but... some nights I hear her crying in her room. But it's died down a bit the last few days. I hear her talking on the phone at night sometimes. Sounds like she has a friend that isn't Sam."
"Yeah? Good for her! She deserves good friends!"

"I remember her a bit. She was always nice to me. Even when Sam wasn't." Anthony chuckles.
"Yeah, she was a good kid. Just like her dad." Daniel smiles.
"Did you know he died?"
"I heard through the grapevine, but didn't have any way to contact them. I don't even know how he died."
"Oh well I can help with that!" Anthony says quickly pulling up his browser, "Okay Jackson... what's his last name?"
"Jackson Lane-Guerrero." Anthony says to himself, typing it in.

"Okay Jackson Lane-Guerrero, born July 5, 1966 in Taos, New Mexico? That him?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Says he was found by... oh shit."
"Anthony! Language!"
"Dad... Cal found him..."
"Oh shit." Daniel rubs his hand down his face in despair.
"Do you want to know what happened?" Daniel looks at his kid, a soft nod as his answer.

"Dr. Jackson Lane-Guerrero, born July 5, 1966 in Taos, New Mexico was found December 22, 2015 by his daughter, Calanthe, in their Taos home. Dr. Lane-Guerrero was known as a kind man who used his medical license to enact change in the city's hospitals. He spearheaded policies that enabled lower income patients to have life saving procedures without risk of lifelong medical debt. Dr. Lane-Guerrero regularly took on pro bono surgeries on his own time to keep the city's homeless safe and well.
Dr. Lane-Guerrero was candid about his condition that ultimately took his life. He spoke regularly at the Taos Skin & Laser Medical Center about his experience with Melanoma. His daughter, Calanthe, began joining him at the age of 12 to explain how his diagnosis affected her, offering a keen insight into how children view ailing parents. The young woman found her father in his study on the night of November 4th still breathing. She immediately phoned 911 and began CPR, unfortunately Dr. Lane-Guerrero was pronounced dead later on, surrounded by his daughter and close colleagues."

"Where the hell was Maria in all of this?" Daniel yelled angrily.
"Uh the article says she wasn't available for comment?"
"Probably stuck in the drunk tank again." Daniel sighs, looking back to his son.
"We speak of this to no one. Not a single soul okay? Not your mom or your sister and especially not Calanthe. She will tell us when she wants to." Anthony nods, closing the tab and clearing the search history.
"Gone, no one will know we even saw it."
"Good. Thanks kiddo. If you want to talk-"
"I'm good dad, really. Just feel bad for Cal."
"Yeah I know bud, me too. Me too."

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